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is that now legal to back the looser ??? seems like it wouldnt be hard.. still wouldnt need someone else to do it for me .. I am a winner at backing loosers. ..

Yeah it is, it's just the exact opposite to betting on a winner, similar odds just reversed.

for example,

Picture a horse has next to no chance of winning and the odds are 100 to 1,

Bet to win costs $1 and pays $100 if it wins ($99 profit)
Bet to lose costs $99 and pays $100 if it wins ($1 profit)
Unfortunately I got ripped off by Australian Home Based Business, too.
Then I did my homework trying to find out about this scam.

If you want to know names of these two Gold Coast pricks, Phil Cropper and Darren Jansen are the two pieces of trash there.

Phil Cropper is in charge of the sales of Australian Home Based Business.

Darren Jansen is the one behind making the scam ware. When you run Australian Home Based Business, his name is written all over in the scam ware.

Watch out for Phil Cropper :cussing: Darren Jansen :swear: and their Australian Home Based Business scam!!
Thus should be a clear case of fraud and closed down, these type's of scams have been going on for years and making million no doubt tax free for the scammers.
Then again buying a home is scam by the banksters.

Hi Mojo, sorry to hear you did your dough. I myself took the first 20 minute tutorial via the online sharepoint only last night. I haven't talked $$$ or purchasing anything yet with the female sales person "R" at all, but i dare say i'm not so keen after finding this forum!

Seemed like the software provided a leg up on what horses to lay in selected races. Did you purchase and use this software or just the premium package?

I am a frequent user of betfair for trading on horses and other sports, and was interesed to find out what advantage the software would give you in a market in terms of real time indicators of what money is going on what horses, and the trend in odds. You can get this information for free on betfair but not in a timely manner that allows split second decisions.

Once you signed up did they basically empty your betfair account and disappear?


ps: and don't be offended by my username, it was not aimed at you!

Hi Skiier, you paid for the software to use on betfair but never had a betfair account? Were you going for the premium package where they bet on your behalf?

I reckon everyone should read

The richest man in Babylon and The Millionaire next door

you will never fall for a scam or get rich quick

the only sure way to get rich is
spent less than you earn, save and invest or start your
own business with the saving.

The Five Laws of Gold from the richest man in Babylon

1.Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family.

2. Gold laboreth diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field.

3. Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men wise in its handling.

4. Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in its keep.

5. Gold flees the man who would force it to impossible earning or who followeth the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment.
Has anyone else bothered reporting this scam business to the ACCC?

The ACCC information centre is available to explain your rights and obligations under the legislation, and how we are likely to react to particular business practices. This service is available to both business and consumers and is free of charge.

The Infocentre can be contacted by calling 1300 302 502.
How did they rip you off mate?

I was keen to get this software based on the theory that betfair wouldn't lend their name to a dodgy operation & the software seemed to work.

What was your experience with HBB?

Any time spent will be greatly appreciated.
Hi Mojo Moe, I just went thru a 45 min presentation with a guy with the initials BA from Australian Home Based Business and it looked pretty flash.

I know this was a while ago but I recently did a presentation with a company called TRADE WISE HB which I suspect is a rebirth of the above company. The guy trying to sell me also had initials BA. First name Barry so that surely can't be offending and the surname AN...... Get back to me if this rings any (alarm) bells

Hi Everyone, I can't believe I stumbled onto this thread. I have been approached by a rep from UK Home Based Business offering the same thing. They have set me up with an account to trial for 4 days, making 2% a day. I did check out the horses racing and they were the same names etc. They are based in Brisbane and account set up Anyone else been approached?

Hi anyone who offers to trade your account on your behalf is breaching betfair rules they do not allow this , betfair can suspend your account and keep all the money in that account if they deem something illegal is taking place. Secondly it is illegal to trade with someone elses money without a Financial services license which none of these lay betting system operators have, Thirdly there are very few to no legitimate laytrading/laybetting companies out there, I would say 99.9% are scammers particularly those targeting the Australian market I would say 100% scammers. I am an investigator and have not met anyone that is happy they purchased or bought into these setups usually the company disappears after a couple of years or their money does as the software will eventually hit a series of losing runs and wipe out your bank.

If they are offering to trade your account even via software its a breach of betfairs rules and betfair can confiscate your money if they choose at worst, at best suspend your account. If they are asking you to put your money in one of their accounts run for the hills this is illegal in australia even in betting accounts and is usually a ponzi scheme . Just read what Asic has to say about betting software as there are literally thousands of people getting taken by these scumbags using the latest and greatest secret system NONE OF THEM WORK LONG TERM AND YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY. Most of the software out there is a copy of Betangel which you can get a basic free copy doing a google search. Laying horses can work but there is no magic software or system sold that works long term it takes dedicated research and homework . Why are they targeting Australians if they are in the UK pretty simple they will take your money and eventually run with it and you will have buckleys chance of getting it back. Even the Australian based ones seem to keep getting away with it . They just start up again under a different name the only person who makes money is them YOU WILL GET BURNT eventually.
I wonder if Autralian Home Based Business was the forerunner of UK Home Based Business ( currently running) , though it sounds more like Laybet Professionals (currently running).

Both covered at AussieScamAlert

Plenty of similar scams running at the moment
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