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good morning all
today's road map
have a great day, and good trades


  • audusd78.png
    47.4 KB · Views: 4
good morning all,
today's rm same as yesterdays
have a great day, and good trades
good morning all
Monday's road map
have a great weekend and take care


  • audusd79.png
    42.8 KB · Views: 3
Thank goodness that the trend is reversing and better than AUD1.14 (inverse). For a moment I thought I'd lose money in holding cash, albeit in USDs.

Just as the Aussie once refused to go 50c to the USD1, I believe the USD will refuse to go parity with the AUD this timer. The trend about to be set should, imho, go on to AUD1.20 - AUD1.25 to the greenback.
good morning all
today's road map
have a great day. and good trades


  • audusd80.png
    40.4 KB · Views: 1
good morning all
today's road map
have a great day, and good trades


  • audusd81.png
    45.3 KB · Views: 3
Still the AUD is heading South and reversing at increasingly high speed. Thank you Henry as the word has gone out worldwide that miners taxes are going to be the highest in the world, and pull your money out of Australia.
Still the AUD is heading South and reversing at increasingly high speed. Thank you Henry as the word has gone out worldwide that miners taxes are going to be the highest in the world, and pull your money out of Australia.

The Aussie is now tanking against the pathetic British Pound and stuffed up Euro. Now down to A$1.185 (inverse) against the AUD.
Why is the Aussie so weak? Henry basically smashed it and foreigners are moving cash out and miners move abroad to explore.

Is it all about Henry, or is it more to do with an international flight to USD's with the Euro debt issues now worse than the US economy which seems to have bottomed out and improving slightly?
yesterday (ie US last night), the AUD tanked 4.5% against the euro!!
thanks Rudd
good morning all
today's road map
have a great day, and good trades


  • audusd82.png
    42.6 KB · Views: 1
watching the AUD slide is amazing... 81c levels hit

it is so tempting to go long, but.... geeze... need balls of steel to go against this vicious trend!
Excuse my ignorance in relation to forex, I am a relatively big lurker on this thread. Am paid in USD atm and have been holding them without converting to AUSD since around Sept last year.

Am not seeking any advice, more inquisitive as to how others view this downtrend. Has the AUSD still got plenty to fall? I have been astounded with movement over the last week.

If interest rates here do not rise when RBA meets next month is that enough to continue the downward trend? If world markets continue to get cold feet and China is also found to be fudging their economic data and their economy comes to a relative halt, is the AUSD in a position to fall back to the .60 mark or lower?

Also acouch, much love for the work on the thread even if the graphs mostly go right over the top of my head!
The 2-year graph in the link below puts the current fall into perspective.

Note that the time resolution is not sufficient to show it reaching $US0.82, at least not yet.

$US0.81604 as the Aussie$ tanks at great speed and would you believe it $US0.80 is approaching fast.
Fair enough, as said, there is a flight to the US$; on the other hand Rudd and Co backed up by Henry seem content to stuff the Aussie$ and Australia with it.
good morning all
today's road map
this was dropping quicker than i could do it this morning
have a great day, and good trades


  • audusd83.png
    40.2 KB · Views: 4
Given the RBA's insights, I wonder whether they foresaw the collapse of the AUD and did some currency trades. For example in the past the RBA has made huge profits (billions in 2009) by buying and selling AUD in times of currency volatility. Only a conspiracy theory but we will eventually find out when the RBA next’s publish their annual report.

Well, if I could foresee it coming, the BBA surely could.

I think I'm happy that it's put in the bottom. Certainly made my target anyway... now it can meander it's way back up again.

What say your crystal ball, ac?


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good morning all
Monday's road map
have a great weekend, and take care

just follow the yellow brick road whiskers a:couch


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