Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

At Last Fairfax Media to get some Direction

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
As a recent purchaser of FXJ shares, and as an Australian interested in free speech, it is good to see Gina Reinhart teaming up with John Singleton and Mark Carnegie's appropriately named Gutenberg Investments.

Mr Singleton and his partner, the venture capitalist Mark Carnegie, announced late on Friday that their Gutenberg Investments had purchased a stake in Fairfax, publisher of this website, and would align with fellow shareholder, Gina Rinehart.

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For too long the Age, and the SMH, and the Canberra times have been held hostage by a leftist cabal.

Moving news and comment back to the centre, can only be good for democracy. It may invigorate the ACT, Victoria and NSW who have suffered over the past ten years until recent Liberal wins in NSW and Victoria.

Reading the same old boring negative deprecating left wing crap, can not be good for a populations morale.

Rather like enduring a Clockwork Orange sentence, being placed in front of a television, showing never-ending episodes of ABC Insiders.

Please use "a Clockwork Orange sentence" in a sentence!

Thanks burglar, can I have some of what you are having.

Once the leftie excuses for scribes have been paid out of Fairfax, SMH, the Age and Canberra times, I can see FXJ hitting $1.50

Fairfax vs Newscorp

What's that old saying? "A picture is worth a thousand words"

fxj vs nws.png

PS. The 5yr chart is almost as ugly, -85% vs +20%
Fairfax vs Newscorp

What's that old saying? "A picture is worth a thousand words"

View attachment 50174

PS. The 5yr chart is almost as ugly, -85% vs +20%

Thanks gav.

Reinhart, Singleton and Carnegie will put the pressure on Corbett and his incompetents on the board of FXJ.

It is bordering on the insane, how a company could see such a destruction of capital and still maintain the same strategic direction.

They could do with a Campbell Newman cleanout of the Age, SMH and Canberra times. All leftie sheets with a decreasing readership, only one paid online publication the AFR which is hard up and giving away free subs this month, and a gaggle of product nobody reads.

They need to realise that crusties and hairy legged feminists do not pay for newspapers or online publications.

Fairfax vs Newscorp

What's that old saying? "A picture is worth a thousand words"

View attachment 50174

PS. The 5yr chart is almost as ugly, -85% vs +20%

Hardly an apples and apples comparison.

Here's a bit of reality...

News Ltd has posted a loss of $476.7 million for the financial year ending June 30, a blow out by more than 50 per cent from the year before as revenue slumped and on the back of another major write-down.

Revenue declined to $2.6 billion, with operating income decreasing by 23.5 per cent to $493.6 million as "advertising revenues declined during the fiscal year driven by negative consumer sentiment", News Ltd accounts filed with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission show.

The company recorded impairment charges of $731.7 million, adding to a total of more than $1.4 billion over the past two financial years. Last financial year, New Ltd reported a loss of $300.4 million.

The latest impairment charge was mostly in relation to publishing mastheads and titles, according to the financial statement, which was received by ASIC on October 31.

It said the charges reflected "lower future forecast earnings for these businesses and uncertainties surrounding the timing of future digital revenue streams".

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Hardly an apples and apples comparison.

You're right. How can you compare the two companies, they are completely different.

One has been very profitable for its shareholders, the other has flees...
You're right. How can you compare the two companies, they are completely different.

One has been very profitable for its shareholders, the other has flees...

Yeah, clearly the point was lost on you.

NWS makes money off it's TV and movie businesses. If papers were so profitable, they wouldn't be spinning them out.
You're right. How can you compare the two companies, they are completely different.

One has been very profitable for its shareholders, the other has flees...

Yeah, clearly the point was lost on you.

NWS makes money off it's TV and movie businesses. If papers were so profitable, they wouldn't be spinning them out.

NWS makes money off it's TV and Movie business because it's in them. NWS diversified and planned for the demise of newsprint.

FXJ didn't, and worst of all persisted with a political line that has put most of the newspaper buying public in Sydney and Canberra off buying the SMH or the Age.

Twenty years ago you couldn't fond the Australian in suburban Melbourne. Now it's neck and neck with the Age.

NWS makes money off it's TV and Movie business because it's in them. NWS diversified and planned for the demise of newsprint.

Interesting persepctive.

FXJ didn't, and worst of all persisted with a political line that has put most of the newspaper buying public in Sydney and Canberra off buying the SMH or the Age.

Twenty years ago you couldn't fond the Australian in suburban Melbourne. Now it's neck and neck with the Age.


The Age and the SMH have a much higher circulation than the Australian and are single city newspapers.
I was just havin' a laff.
Sorry if it was rude, juvenile or out of place!

We used to have a wonderful broadsheet in Adelaide.
You may have seen it.
"The Advertiser"

View attachment 50191

I would be the last person to accuse anyone of being rude, crude or juvenile. lol .

Though, when the comrades in the ALP bring in the Rudeness and Offence Act, I may be compelled to sue, someone, anyone, to make a quid out of it.

Happy NY to you burglar and continue the excellent posts in 2013.

I would be the last person to accuse anyone of being rude, crude or juvenile. lol .

Though, when the comrades in the ALP bring in the Rudeness and Offence Act, I may be compelled to sue, someone, anyone, to make a quid out of it.

Happy NY to you burglar and continue the excellent posts in 2013.


I never know when you're serious or when you are being funny!

Sometimes that makes you doubly funny!
Other times I just shake my head.

Enjoyed the banter ... thank your mother for the fish!