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ASX In 'Trading Halt' - exchange systems down?

Re: ASX In Trading Halt

Prospector said:
ASX haven't even mentioned it on their website! That is not exactly professional, is it!

I wonder if they have to issue themselves with a 'please explain' notice! :swear:

I like that! Maybe all the co's should send a letter to the co anncts office for change!!

If they give speeding tix for going over the limit and when you're also going too slow then the ASX should be getting one.

Bound to be plenty of chatter in the papers.

...I was wondering why the depth wasn't changing!!
Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

some stock already book for jumps
red become green
what the,....... :swear:
Re: ASX In Trading Halt

Dan_ said:
Something just dosen't seem right about a 2nd pre-open

You've got it Dan

I remember a trading halt on WBC last November when the results were accidently on purpose leaked.

Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

Prospector,good point,as already noted by RK,you would think that the Herald sun at least would have the news but no not even them,hmmm
what kind of tecnical hitch even affects the phones,well ok,it can happen but why the herald sun hasnt seen fit to send someone to get whatever the story is is beyond me.
Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

Have a quick look at ASX... people are :swear:


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Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

Dan,dont know what you are trying to say.

Commsec has ann.pre open at 13.45 what does that mean?
Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

now to resume trading at 2pm
Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

Hey Visual,

I'm very green at this but the buy history looks weird, was ticking down and then jumped up .14.

Maybe this is normal for this stock I don't know?
Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

Just a thought will the market trade this afternoon,for the time lost from 12.28>1400hrs? or shall it close same time?...hmmmm
Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

Any medical advice for the all ords? may need the paddles (or some jumper leads) to get it going?


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Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

contagious illness Dan, passed on from Uncle Sam
Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

Folks this happens in the US exchanges from time to time, where the whole exchange goes down from technical issues.

It's a pain when it happens but nothing you can do
Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

3 views, I'm 99% sure it will close at 4pm just because on my screen it says "ASX will close 4:00pm", I sincerely doubt they would keep the market open for longer, imagine how much confusion that would cause - especially for people who didn't notice the downtime in the middle of the day!
Re: ASX In 'Trading Halt'- exchange systems down?

Re: comments from "ctp6360" it's no issue with me -more curiosity really,I get twitchy fingers comes 15.45 >1600hrs ,that's all.
Re: ASX In Trading Halt

Could be FFTFM.

I hope you enjoyed the Indian railways.


FFTFM (First Find the Fabulous Manual -- and of COURSE it's fabulous - what else could it FB?)
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