Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ASF wake up Sudan convicts Aussie

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006

As I understand his situation, he is receiving considerable help from our Government. I heard a fairly detailed radio report about this a few days ago which said someone from DFAT was there helping him.

It certainly sounds like a bizarre situation.

you have sought of missed Garpals point.

No one has said boo about him.

I think it 's sucks that drug mules and terrorist supporters are all over the 6 o'clock news on the front page of every news paper across the country.

This poor fella has not had even 1/4 of the coverage that Corby, Hicks or the idiotic Bali 9 received.

And from what I have read he is innocent, so I offer support and hope he is finally released from that hell hole and has his name cleared.

Garpal well done for starting this thread.
Unfortunately, he's not good looking, and its not in a country that Australians go to regularly for holidays. It's not a 'sexy' story, so the commercial media outlets don't give a crap, unfortunately.
This case has received plenty of publicity on ABC. Apparently he is getting good legal assistance (yes?). Immediate reaction etc. He went back to help others, and the court somehow turned that act of goodwill back on him . And he is (was) staying in the same jail as his friends (at great risk to his health) rather than take the offer of better medical surroundings / malaria treatment etc, and leave them exposed to more rough "justice". Brave dude. (and seriously ill !!)

His kidneys packed it in completely a few days back - but he's been persuaded to go to hospital - great.
The cells where he was had sewerage overflowing on the floor etc. :(

Sadly one of many cases. Even Aussies in Thaliand etc.

Geoffrey Robertson (GR's Hypotheticals) has written a few books on such international cases. I notice Wikipedia says "He sits as an appeal judge at the UN Special Court for Sierra Leone". You wonder if, being African based, they might have some influence ? :2twocents

Certainly if they want to get some advice, they'd call him in you'd think.(?) . Geoffrey Ronald Robertson QC (born September 30, 1946 in Sydney, New South Wales) is an Australian human rights lawyer, academic, author and broadcaster. He holds dual Australian and British citizenship.
... He obtained his law degree from the Sydney University Law School before winning a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Oxford...... currently lives with her and their two children in London

Robertson became a barrister in 1973. He became a QC in 1988. His became well known acting for the defence in the celebrated English criminal trials of Oz, Gay News, the 'ABC Trial', The Romans in Britain (the prosecution brought by Mary Whitehouse), Randle & Pottle, the Brighton bombing and Matrix Churchill. He has also acted in well known libel cases, including defending the Guardian against Neil Hamilton MP. He has appeared in civil liberties cases before the European Court of Human Rights and in other courts across the world. He sits as an appeal judge at the UN Special Court for Sierra Leone.
I don't think I missed the point exactly. Simply wasn't aware that the commercial media have not covered this to the same extent as the ABC which is all I listen to for news and current affairs.

As 2020 has pointed out, there has been considerable coverage on the ABC.

But, yes, it's correct to rue the fact that Mr Forbes lacks the glamour of Ms Corby or the pure sensationalism of seeing the Bali Nine with the heroin strapped to their bodies and therefore represents a less interesting subject for the crappy programmes like ACA or whatever its opposition is called.

We can hope that Mr Forbes will be supplied with at least the equivalent resources which have been poured into legal representation and private jet charter for David Hicks.
considerable coverage on the ABC.
Julia , did I hear that DFAT brought him mosquito repellant :eek:.
I guess that particular act qualifies as "token" assistance, but it would be typical - closing the door after the mosquito has bolted :(
Julia , did I hear that DFAT brought him mosquito repellant :eek:.
I guess that particular act qualifies as "token" assistance, but it would be typical - closing the door after the mosquito has bolted :(

Yes, you did hear that. And, while it might sound trivial and amusing, it's not when you consider the diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes.
Would you have been happier with DFAT if they hadn't brought him the repellant? Sure, he'd probably been bitten already, but why allow the little ****ers to have another go. He has misery enough. Perfectly practical thing to take him imo.

I'm not quite sure just what else DFAT are supposed to be doing for Mr Forbes. I feel very sorry for him, it sounds like a ridiculous accusation, particularly in view of the coroner's finding of suicide, but short of staging a kidnapping of the prisoner, they appear to be doing all that they practically can at this stage. He has top level legal representation and the diplomats are reportedly making all possible representations on his behalf. It was apparently his choice to remain in jail with his co-accused, rather than go to hospital which was an option DFAT had arranged for him.
Yes, you did hear that. And, while it might sound trivial and amusing, it's not when you consider the diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes..
yep - just that it implied they couldn't do the smallest of good deeds without it making the papers. and just that it came out in the same sentence that he was suffering from severe bout (relapse or whatever) of malaria - and almost fighting for his life :eek: I thought it sounded strange at the time , but no big deal.

you're right. Might save a further bout - or dengue I guess. I've had dengue (broken bone) fever, and it made the worst flue I'd ever had like a common cold. (Despite incidentally drowning myself in repellant ;)) . The missus has had malaria. Rels have had Ross River.

Never had or want to have yellow fever though (more Panama I think) - I recall watching an innoculation documentary - this bloke under a mosquito net, bright yellow - turns his head to the camera, smiles, and a spoon full of blood runs out of his mouth. O boy .... :eek:

As Ive said a few times, my daughter is dead keen to go to Africa - I must've told her that story about yellow fever, tsetse fly, malaria etc 20 times - she knows another girl - just returned , early 20's - had malaria, etc - what's the problem dad? - she's more determined than ever lol.

But yep, DFAT were right onto the case, as you say.
Garpal, you imply that this is as bad as Guantanamo.
You could be right, but in a different way I guess. (nothing to do with war - just wierd justice here)
But - You might recall posters there kept saying "what a terrible precedent", and "why do US and allies think that this won't come back to haunt them?".

As if DFDAT are going to negotiate this one even MENTIONING that AUS and USA are joined at the hip these days. We will disassociate ourselves from USA bigtime!! the current USA that is! whenever anything like this happens!. Trouble is it will all sound a bit shallow, because we've been such wimpish followers and accomplices.

Meanwhile more suicides in Guantanamo. Did anyone hear Gen Peter Cosgrove being interviewed around Anzac Day - he was appalled at Abu Graib - and the US detention system. :2twocents Def Poetry - John S. Hall - America Kicks Ass
"we in America don't recognise international law - no trials, no courts , we can do whatever the f*** we want !!" etc etc

Lets all spare a thought for George Forbes, an Aussie worker going through a barbaric justice system in Sudan.

It appears that drug mules and convicted terrorists get more support in our forum than this seemingly innocent victim of injustice of an overseas despotic government.

Give him some support.


George Forbes " a worker" has been acquited and leaving Sudan for Nairobi.,22049,21863863-5005941,00.html

We can now get back to posting about the rights of convicted terrorists and drug mules.

Glad they got out ,its a shame this didnt really get much coverage.No political point to be made I suppose.
There's another Aussie been in jail in Egypt I think for 8 years.

Maybe it's time to educate ourselves. ;)

Again listening to the ABC, it seems - the pollies declared George Forbes guilty, then there was pressure on the police to do so, and finally the judge. :(

A bit like the Chamberlain affair really
or arguably for Hicks as well. (if you pretend he ever went before a judge)