Many thanks for responses. I have absolutely no idea whether these two paintings are worth anything or are worthless.
One is "Crown Street, Sydney" by Sue Currie. 1975. Her work was much sought after around that time. I bought it just because I found it striking, not with any thought of it as an investment.
Ditto a large abstract representing the Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand by M. Glover, 1991. Saw this in a gallery when I was about to migrate to Australia, and bought it because I liked it immensely and as a memory of NZ.
Both were quite expensive at the time, but that doesn't mean they are worth anything now.
The only reason for even thinking about either of these is that I'm in the process of redoing my Will and before I include the instruction that all my effects should go to charity, I thought I'd first check that I wasn't giving away some priceless masterpiece to be hung in the squalid kitchen of some welfare recipient.
Thanks indeed for the links.