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Are there any recommended trading courses?

Hi Linsa,

What time frame do you want to trade (intraday, EOD ect)?

What style of trader do you want become (trend, breakout, momentum, rotational)?

What markets/instruments do you want to trade?
If sometime down the track, you do end up looking into Terry's course again, or indeed any financial markets related trading course, perhaps, before committing too much more of your hard earned, invite a few of those purportedly successful traders, to visit this forum, so that the more experienced ASF members can engage with them, and thereby, hopefully, gauge for future reference, the quality level of the educational content on offer.
Good decision. The first thing I did when I started out trading was take a $5000.00 course on trading US stocks ... over 15 years ago. Total waste of money. There is some good advice in the posts above. I suggest you really need to read one or two genuine books on trading. I gave you two and if you really read and understood them you can be successful. To reiterate one is on trading and the other is on the psychology of trading. You could give 100 people a perfectly good system to trade and I reckon about 5 or 10 would make money at a guess.
Actually there is a great thread on here , where you could start. Shows a professional trader's routine.
ASX Momentum Trade Book - Part 2.
Hi Lenny, I have no clue of what all those terms mean. I know I was happy with the prospect of being able to research each day for about an hour or so, and put in buy/sell orders as I saw fit. I am not fussed with regards to American or Australian or whatever stocks. I don't know enough about it all to know exactly what I want to trade in. I know I was aiming for something like 1.25% per month, or about 15% per year, anything above would be awesome of course. I am excited by the prospect of regular buying and selling, I like the sound of that more than just leaving it somewhere and waiting.

Investtrader yes I am sure you are right. There are so many people who don't seem to get it right with stock trading, yet those who do. I will be one who will, I am determined to! I will certainly have a look at both of what you recommended.
Hi Lenny, I have no clue of what all those terms mean.

Follow this trading course.

It cover hundreds of real trade setups over 3 years - 1200+ replies from interested followers, costs absolutely nothing (and probably save you from yourself) and has been proven to work with all the logic, nuances and pitfalls clearly explained along the way. Best of all its right here under your nose.

Just do it
Comprehension can't be taught. One could read books and do all the courses in the world but without understanding, practical application is set to fail.
I've been trying to learn about the stock market myself and as a beginner in the stock market I have took great interest in watching youtube videos by Ryan Scribner.
I am yet to invest in any shares in the market yet but before I start I plan to try gather as much knowledge as possible through books and google. Basically you don't want to waste to much money on courses / training when you could be saving it towards investing.
Comprehension can't be taught. One could read books and do all the courses in the world but without understanding, practical application is set to fail.

I would be interested to know if their are any traders on here that became a successful trader by just reading some books ..????
That is a good point Triathlete. I would love to hear about how other successful traders learnt, how long they had to study to get started, and what their average returns are. That would be a good piece if info to know a good place to start.

Wysiwg.... I'd love you to elaborate.
Pretty well
Known Radge for over 20 yrs and been to a few seminars but that would total about
10 hrs
The rest of the journey took about 10 years to understand how to trade
The practical application
First system was 7 years in.

Don’t trade to live
Super and the challenge

Super best 38%
Worst -11%

Mainly futures
Best $80k in a year
Worst $12 K

I saw the video by chat with traders interviewer Aaron Fifield when he did his presentation at Noosa and the average was at least 5 years with the traders that he has interviewed...

Basically you don't want to waste to much money on courses / training when you could be saving it towards investing.

This is how beginners think.....You need to ask how long will it take you to research and test the strategies to see if they work...then you will find that what you learnt in some book or you tube video only works in certain market conditions then what???

How many accounts will you blow up or do you just sim trade not the same when you have your own money on the line.....

Obviously if you can find someone who is successful already and has the time to teach you would be the way to go......I did see a post from someone who said it took them around 800 hours of screen time to be successful.

Myself I did courses and a few seminars over a 4 year period...all up cost around $15K....A small cost to pay for a trading business that is profitable and can trade in all market conditions....

I have been following Ryan Scribner and he seems to have very educational videos. He also has a stock market investment course that I may have to look into purchasing. If I am learning a lot through following him I can only see benefits if I pay for the full course. Working a full time job makes it hard to put in many hours of studying but obviously its got to be done to be succesfull.

See that is what I was thinking! I was thinking I could spend hour upon hour upon week upon month upon year weeding through book after book. I could try out different things that I learn and lose money here there and everywhere while I stumble upon all of the bits I missed. OR I could learn from somebody prepared to teach me the safe way to trade and give me all of those tips and strategies.

But then everytime I look on forums like this, everybody says I can learn all of this stuff for free and nobody has any good reports from doing any paid courses, well not the ones I have looked at there have been some mentions of other ones.

So I get torn.

I am looking through any free info I can find right now, but it is all rather confusing.

I want to be one of those few people who get this worked out. I am determined. And I know I will enjoy it. I know there have been comments about how you can learn all you like but only few will actually 'get it'. I will be one of those few. But just working out which is the smartest first step there.
Lin, you express skepticism about learning how to trade from books and free resources but not once have you expressed any real skepticism about the $5,000 course. You keep coming back to it as though it's the holy grail or gold standard that is somehow guaranteed to "teach you the safe way to trade" and to "give [you] all of those tips and strategies" that you need to know to become a successful trader. You seem to believe this on the basis of Facebook reviews.

You say you're ready to do the hard work and spend years honing your trading skills but then you say:

Yes, learning is hard. It takes years and requires dedication and perseverance and success is not guaranteed. No course, irrespective of how much it costs, is going to make you a profitable trader and give you everything you need. There is no easy way, but that it how you appear to be framing your options: a hard way and an easy way. There is a part of you that seems to believe that the "guru" knows all the answers, when life experience has taught you the exact opposite with property courses.

Hi LinSA,
I have been a member of the chartist for around ten years which has been extremely valuable for me making it out of the beginners cycle as Nick likes to call.

Personally I wouldn't commit any money to the market until you ensure you have a strategy with a positive expectancy (edge) and are happy to commit to the strategy long term.

Even then ALL strategies with a positive expectancy have what is called a draw down and this is generally where the wheels fall off for about 90% of people and they go looking for a better strategy (the beginners cycle).

I would recommend finding a mentor or a profitable trader to follow who posts their trades until you have the light bulb moment of how the money is made.

Best of luck with your journey.
Yes, learning is hard. It takes years and requires dedication and perseverance and success is not guaranteed
Agree with you on that point....

You keep coming back to it as though it's the holy grail or gold standard that is somehow guaranteed to "teach you the safe way to trade" and to "give [you] all of those tips and strategies" that you need to know to become a successful trader.

What I found was that it was like going back to school and by learning a module at a time was able to absorb the content and learn in a very organised and systematic process, having access to a mentor while going through the course allowed me to build my confidence and ensure I was understanding the content....this is what I believe is hard with trying to teach yourself from books on your own.....but it is just my opinion.......I know this process worked for me but everyone is different...
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