Well I'm currently on the hunt for a job (got to get my capital from somewhere) and I was originally going to get into IBanking but I've really been captivated by the market so wealth management may well be for me. The thought of earning my paper doing something I actually enjoyed has never entered my head I've always been of the notion that I want to afford things in life that will cost money that a profession I will enjoy can't provide.
I'd love to become say an analyst/trader/broker for a institution that I can use to benefit myself through my position in the market.
Although on that note... it has been tough to get interviews... Speaking with Patterson's on Tuesday so fingers crossed I can get some work experience or anything going there. The thing is when I eventually have some experience on my CV I'm not going to be that much better than I am- with the mindset I have now whoever hires me is definitely going to get their money's worth- all bull**** aside I'm actually enthusiastic and competitive about starting out, learning and being a force! Sadly every Cover Letter in the world reads somethign similar.