Ahoy Admiral Joe Blow
I'd like to enter the QUR
Sometimes she (the sea) can be very kind to Brave Sailors
Salute and Gods speed to all who venture on these sometimes merciless seas
PS :This will not be Plain Sailing this week I can assure you!
Please posts grounds / substantiation for your claim that this will not be plain sailing!
I mean, perhaps that red sky at sunset / (oops dawn) was just the inside of bloodshot eyes?
It's happened before you know !!
As I am new this Sailing Arena I hope this is the correct thread to respond to your request
Please posts grounds / substantiation for your claim that this will not be plain sailing!
I mean, perhaps that red sky at sunset / (oops dawn) was just the inside of bloodshot eyes?
It's happened before you know !!
Ahoy Officer 2020
All Seamanship calls are in essence judgement calls
After 2-3weeks Plain Sailing in some classes of sail I get the feeling those Greedy Landlubbers are proned to take profits and the seas then become choppy
As I only work from the Technical (and in this case I refer to the SHAGHAI Composite) I fear those great gamblers in China have been taking profits over the last 2 days
If this continues on Monday then it will become all to obvious to the Yanks and the DOW will fall Monday night( our time) in Wall St
All I can say is that I have cancelled my Golf game and I will be battening down the hatches before the Dawn in Shanghai
Salute and Take Care
PS It very rarely is Plain Sailing at any time ?
PPS Did you know that gambling in China is illegal and that the only outlet for Gambling is the Stockmarket?