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Anzac Day centenary celebrations in 2015 could cause divisions


Money can't buy Poverty
4 September 2008

The Anzac Day centenary celebrations in 2015 could cause divisions in multicultural Australia, a government-funded review has found.

News Ltd newspapers said focus-group testing found that multiculturalism represented a risk for the celebrations and one that should be considered to avoid unexpected negative complications.

Is it a celebration or a commemoration?

Don't like it? Well they're fortunate enough to live in a country that has planes going overseas on a daily basis.
Is it a celebration or a commemoration?

Don't like it? Well they're fortunate enough to live in a country that has planes going overseas on a daily basis.
yes, "commemoration" appeals as the better term for it.
"Lest we forget" ... how stupid wars are.
If Labor-Greens remain in power, I forecast an inquiry or taskforce, a big new Govt Department, layers of new regulation, a media advertising campaign, and a new tax.

Not any entirely wasted youth then?
Is it a celebration or a commemoration?

Don't like it? Well they're fortunate enough to live in a country that has planes going overseas on a daily basis.

+1... if remembering the sacrifice paid in blood by our ancestors offends you then GET OUT!

I don't know if the tabloids are trying to get a reaction out of the people or there is a real basis for this?

If true, as spooly74 said, catch the next plane out.

We should respect what the diggers did all those years ago. What they went through. They did the hard yards and l'm sure some of the young males today would faint with half the workload out in the bush. No iPads/mobiles back then.
A study funded by the taxpayer, what a bloody waste of money, how does one get onto this gravy train ?
Sod multiculturalism, that's is just minorities telling the mainstream what to do.

If people don't like Anzac Day, they don't have to participate, but don't try to stop the ones that want to.
Sod multiculturalism, that's is just minorities telling the mainstream what to do.

If people don't like Anzac Day, they don't have to participate, but don't try to stop the ones that want to.
Agree. Ditto Christmas. That shopping centres will no longer host nativity scenes because 'it might offend Muslims' is completely offensive.
Even worse because much of this stupidity comes not from the Muslims themselves but the Australian far Left who espouse care for asylum seekers ahead of our own people.
Labors attempts at hosing down nationalism under the guise of PC probably.
Funny how ninemsn basically ignored the main findings of the report and instead focused the multiculturalism angle..

It also highlighted that being overly PC was not the way to go...Again conveniently left out in the Ninemsn report.

Read more:

The younger reporters of the tabloid trash should be taught more about what the Men and women went through and still going through today in a war, why they are not speaking Germanic language or Japanese, living on rice, they need to be sat down and told about life in North Korea were people eat the bark of the trees while their dictator is the biggest importer of Drambuie in the world, They should pray every morning theses men were around during the war:
Lest we forget.... we already have done so..
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