I have encountered EQ trading, which are offering huge fees for an online trading software program and training for $15,000.00. They spent 2 hours on the mobile, to try to convince me in there scheme, stating that I won a $10,000.00 discount, but I had only won second prize which was only to pay $5000.00 for the VIP scheme. There cold call selling was convincing to a newby, however I have been scammed before and smell a “too good to be true offer “when I hear one.
I stated to them that there would be no way that I would buy a product without testing it first. After 1 hour of cold call selling discussions and his failure to convince me, to buy now, EQ Trading decided to agree with me to trial the software. However I had to sign the direct debit form too. This was the assurance that the whole deal was a scam. I told EQ Trading that why would I sign this, and we entered into a battle to convince the sign the direct debit form or I won’t get the 7 day trial. They expected me to show that I had money, via a bank account screen dump. I told them that I will be researching the internet, only to find reviews made by EQ Trading about how good they are. However no independent reviews were made about them anywhere else.
I carried out extensive research on the internet, with over 5 hours work, only to find that there reviews were self constructed by EQ trading and that no other negative mention was made, until I seen your enquiry.
From my assessment of their product, is that it’s a totally free program, sold as a rip off amount, to make fast cash, by EQ Trading company directors. The live streams of $69 per month is a joke, especially that it’s an online program anyway, and most other live stream services offer at $10.00 per month anyway.
I have reported them to ASIC , and warnings are going out now to stop these quick rich schemes in the EQ Trading company’s director’s favour, to be stopped. I am sick of Aussie battlers scammed by these thoughtless criminals. Together we can protect our Australian consumers from rip-offs like this one.