I have started looking into corporate bonds in the secondary market and wanted to ask some questions, thought it'd be better to try to keep it in one thread rather than start a new one.
When I go to the ASX website for corporate bonds, I see this:
So my questions are:
1. Are there really only 4 corporate bonds available for trading? I know the list for Floating Rate Notes is longer, but I was surprised there's only 4 corporate bonds.
2. I am not too sure what the information actually means - if I buy one HBSHA for $107.85, does that mean the interest I get on that is 10% of $107.85? Or is it 10% on $100?
3. You'll see the highest coupon rate is 10% for HBSHA...does one simply go for the highest coupon rate??
4. I am with Comsec - is it really as easy as logging in, typing in HBSHA, clicking buy, just like shares? Is there a minimum amount I need to buy?
5. Is it somehow nonsensical to own shares in a company and also corporate bonds in the same company? Theoretically, aren't I just borrowing money from myself? Sorry, I know that sounds stupid, but I am just trying to make sense of the positions of a shareholder and a bond holder.
6. How do I know if these bonds are secured or unsecured?