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Another boatload of asylum seekers intercepted by Navy

Haha give it a rest Julia - you clearly dont like the " unemployed " or those you perceive are able to help themselves in the welfare state.
What on earth are you on about ? I've long made the point that the dole is totally inadequate and we need to give more support to those who are unemployed.
You obviously lack the comprehension to understand what I'm saying. I would much prefer to see our taxpayer funds providing greater assistance to the Australians who are homeless and/or just simply doing it tough, many of whom have paid tax in this country.

The unemployed or homeless can rock up to a hospital and get medical and dental help like anyone.
Ah, that will be why public dental waiting lists are up to 7 years in many years.
If such services were so freely available, we wouldn't see people with rotten teeth because they cannot access dental care. I worked in the welfare sector for more than 12 years and have a pretty reasonable idea of the misery endured by many decent Australians who have lost their jobs through illness or other disadvantage.

And im sure if you went to your local salvos or what ever they could deck you out with plenty of secondhand homewares for around about zip.
I don't know why I bother even responding to rubbish like this. I can more than support myself with no assistance from anyone thanks. That does not, however, preclude my being concerned for others who are so much less fortunate.
Unlike yourself, apparently.
Hello julia -

I wasnt saying you personally can go to salvos etc - clearly you are well off and wouldnt need the services of charity.

But an unemployed person or homeless person has access to any number of charities to deck them out is what I said.

Your right I must of misunderstood what your saying about unemployed etc in the past , you often comment about elderly retirees needing more money etc - not sure how we can finance that though.

All good - nothing personal, just saying.
The Coalition had a policy that worked in the past, but may need a revamp.
The government has no policy that will work, and will not accept the Coalition's.
The Greens have a policy they say will work, so give it a go. It just happens to open the
borders to all and sundry.

Now I do not want be perceived as callous, but there appears a lot of people concerned about
the loss of life at sea.
However, we and other countries supply arms and munitions to countries (purchased from our aid
packages I suspect) and the loss of life that results from this is barely mentioned.

My point is, the problem is not the boats and the smugglers, it is the governments in these
countries that do not value a persons life.
e.g. a father decapitated his daughter, and paraded through the streets with the head
to show the town folk. Why? It was thought (or she did), sleep around.

It it is obvious that some are fleeing from a future with no hope.
And others are coming to live off the Australian tax payer.

It is about time Canberra got it's act together and begin to represent Australia,
and the Australian people and not a party.

Joea, the problem that I have with people "fleeing from persecution" is that they seem to want to bring the very draconian culture here with them from which they are supposedly "fleeing". Most people genuinely fleeing persecution do not want to bring the persecution with them and are happy to start a new life.

I would be happy if we increased our intake of GENUINE refugees who want a better life and who don't want to bring the very stuff from which they are supposed to be fleeing.
Surely it would be tidier to confine Asylum Seeker posts to the main thread - Asylum immigrants - Green Light
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