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Another boatload of asylum seekers intercepted by Navy

Did you know that Christmas island is 2600km from Perth and 500km from Jakarta?

That's a good reason to give the island to Indonesia. However they are smarter than us and would probably knock it back.
The Naval escort service must be costing us a packet for starters. .

In reality the "Naval escort service" costs nothing as regards the illegals. We need a navy, they need training. What better way for them to get training. It beats "war games".

Maybe they need more training in the art of deterring the boats and the illegals, forcibly.

Yes, we are gagged by threat of legal action.

We should get migrants that are honest and do not use illegal methods to jump the queue - those who do, should be banned for life from entering Australia.
Maybe they need more training in the art of deterring the boats and the illegals, forcibly.
They have no choice but to carry out government policy in this regard.
Maybe they need more training in the art of deterring the boats and the illegals, forcibly.

Yes it is fairly obvious the smugglers, the ones initiating the boat trips, are conning these people out of whatever currency they have. Maybe the home port authorities could be cracking down on this but they probably don't have the resources or desire to do so. It isn't a serious issue for them.
It's interesting to see Rudd applying six month and three month suspensions to the processing of Afghan and Sri Lankan refugees from here on.
I can't see that being much of a deterrent - clearly it's just a PR stunt designed to paint the government in a good light in this election year, and perhaps also it's an attempt to give them a bit of breathing space while they try and think up some solution to the ridiculous mess they've created.

If I was an Afghan or Sri Lankan who was determined to come to Australia, I doubt if the prospect of a three or six month delay in my processing would change my plans about coming.

Rudd has an excellent academic mind - he was dux of his high school on Queensland's Sunshine Coast - but he's living proof that academic brains don't necessarily equate to common sense.
It's a mystery to me why he and his mates dismantled Howard's 'Pacific Solution' policy that was proving very effective in limiting the numbers of illegal boat people. Not only dismantled it, but replaced it with a new policy that virtually laid out the welcome mat to illegal immigrants.

Now Rudd and his cronies are scratching their heads as they try to work out a solution to the mess they've created.
One solution would be to resurrect Howard's 'Pacific Solution' policy. But doing so would leave Rudd and his mates with even more egg on their faces than they have already.

Meanwhile, the people who have applied through legal channels to come to Australia, get pushed further back in the queue as immigration officials are swamped under the workload created by the flood of illegal immigrants.

Rudd is stumbling along, creating one fiasco after another. He puts on a brave face in his TV interviews, but I'll bet he's asking himself 'What the hell was I thinking when I implemented the changes that have created this immigration mess'!
Did you see last night the Sunday show about the schools Krudd has built, what a **** up that has turned out to be, a canteen that is a unusable garage that cost $8000k.
"Number 42 your time is up ...... please come in number 42" Mr Rudd bleats through the loudspeaker to Indonseian people smugglers as another boatload of immigrants reach our shores. Oh yeah ..... Australian Intelligence (HA HA) suggests that the people smugglers are advising the immigrants to jump on a boat NOW to avoid the deadline in place for Sri Lankans and Afghani's. Await for many more refo's plundering our shores.
I dont suppose Kevin has considered any of the previous governments approaches to stopping the queue jumping economic wannabees, as long as he lets them come here who do you imagine these people and their families will vote for? Yes the guys who let them in, so its an open gate in reality, I dont care what they say about getting tough its all just words, and no real actions.


When all is said and done a lot more will be said than is ever done.

Yes, and the majority of the stupid media keep banging away at the opposition asking them what they would do? Rudd has created these problems with his own policies. Had he continued with Howard's solution, we would not have the problem.

Rudd critized the previous Government for having kids behind razor wire and now he is about to do the same.

Watched Peter Van Onselen on Sky news Saturday agenda who keep criticizing and discrediting Tony Abbott and at one stage virtually blamed Abbott for the mess Rudd is in with asylum seekers.

I wrote to Sky news with a strong protest and I hope others did the same.

I suppose the 50 or so additional Federal Police that have been sent to the island also need the training in riot control. The inmates are upset because Rudd has reneged on his fast tracking policy without consulting them.
This makes me so angry. Is there any way to send them all back, and Krudd along with them? I've had enough of him to last forever. And for the love of dog, can we just say enough is enough, no more 'Centrelink Seekers' please.!!!
This makes me so angry. Is there any way to send them all back, and Krudd along with them? I've had enough of him to last forever. And for the love of dog, can we just say enough is enough, no more 'Centrelink Seekers' please.!!!

A step in the right direction will be to vote this mug and his ALP mates out of office at the next election.
I wonder if it will happen though - I suspect that a majority of our population are gullible people who can't see through Rudd and the incompetence of his Labor government despite all the stuff ups they've made and continue to make.
This makes me so angry. Is there any way to send them all back, and Krudd along with them? I've had enough of him to last forever. And for the love of dog, can we just say enough is enough, no more 'Centrelink Seekers' please.!!!

I'd personally pay for a one way ticket for KRUDD to Siberia. But then that might not be far enough away.

Maybe some find the alternative repulsive
I heard that the Rudd Guvment decision to disallow Afghani's and Sri Lankans is tantamountable to "RACISM" and "DISCRIMINATION". Wait for the lawyers to get hold of this one. Geoffery Robertson would be a likely candidate to take up their cause.
I heard that the Rudd Guvment decision to disallow Afghani's and Sri Lankans is tantamountable to "RACISM" and "DISCRIMINATION". Wait for the lawyers to get hold of this one. Geoffery Robertson would be a likely candidate to take up their cause.

To make it STRONGER CASE for lawyers some are on hunger strike.

Surely we will have to buckle in because if they don't eat we will be responsible for what might happen.

Happily I am sick of it.

For me far right wing will be good oucome anyway.
Way things go it might go this way, unfortunately!
I heard that the Rudd Guvment decision to disallow Afghani's and Sri Lankans is tantamountable to "RACISM" and "DISCRIMINATION". Wait for the lawyers to get hold of this one. Geoffery Robertson would be a likely candidate to take up their cause.

If we do these things some do gooders pick up on it and were the worst in the developed world, but how many Countries willingly accept what we have to put up with? if they are indeed refugees, then why dont they seek help in indonesia or the many other countries along their journey to our shores? because we are the easy money, the soft touch, the free welfare country, and if we vote right then the Government will keep doling out cash and benefits to us and our large families, if thewy arrive in Indonesia, why isnt the government there asking questions like why are you coming to indonesia? how long will you be staying why dont you have a return ticket?
any other place asks, stop them in their tracks in indonesia and they cant pay to be smuggled into australia, we pay countries to help us stop the invasion but they must be laughing at us, the poor white trash of Asia who will put up with anyone who wants to sail to our shores, with dumb & dumber politicians who only work to get reelected one election at a time and this is what some fools vote for and put up with.

I have no problem with people coming to our country if they follow the correct procedure and join the queue.

With 3 and 6 months moratorium on visas, decision time will be pushed after the election and there will be another 2 ½ years time, to accept ones that are here already and everybody else who’s got the cash to pay smugglers!
When the Christmas Island facility reaches 100% occupancy, turn the free loading bastards back home, and hang out the "Sorry, we're full" sign.

I suspect I'm not the only taxpayer who has had a complete gut full of being taken advantage of.

Why not settle in Indonesia, and save the US$3,000 boat fare across?
Malaysia is nice, as is Brunei.
There are many options.

Why Australia?

Because we are a soft touch, and have a history of being taken advantage of.

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