Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Anna Bligh For Premier

I don't like the smug look on Bligh's face or the toothy grin. It seems increasingly likely that her inquiry will pin the blame for the flood on the usual suspects;

. Tony Abbott

. Campbell Newman

. Clive Palmer

I agree, that when she faces the inquiry, its going to add to her polls.
So I think you have summed it up pretty well.
The litigation lawyers are in a feeding frenzy. Here's the chance in a lifetime for the lawyers to really clean up bigtime.
I agree, that when she faces the inquiry, its going to add to her polls.
So I think you have summed it up pretty well.
I don't necessarily think so. The way the enquiry is going it's not looking good for SEQWATER, with Counsel accusing the dam engineers of fabricating their report.
If this is what is ultimately accepted by the enquiry, Bligh will cop much of the fall out, given SEQWATER is an arm of government.

The legal ramifications if this happens will be huge, not to mention the utter fury of all those people whose homes and businesses were flooded if it all turns out to have happened because of dam mismanagement.
Bligh's prayers have been answered with flooding in the west far from Wivenhoe. She can now get out her Wonderwoman costume (cowboy hat, blue shirt, trousers and boots) and soar to the rescue of those unfortunates who continue to live on flood plains. A welcome diversion. Perhaps she will open another Premier's Fund to hand out largess to the improvident and the uninsurable.

Meanwhile a much larger group of uninsurable flood plain victims is drooling at the mouth at the thought of suing the taxpayer for billions over the Wivenhoe fiasco, about which we are all so smart in hindsight.
If the result of the Wivenhoe Dam inquiry allows a class action against SEQWater, which way would the voters be reactive towards Bligh.? ($1 Bullion).

On the one hand she has implemented an inquiry which maybe, instrumental to allow more money to go to the flood victims. (hence the delay in the election date),

On the other hand she was not in control of the Dam water release, and her diary may have copies of emails etc. telling SEQWater to protect Brisbane at all costs.

Three point plan for delaying election date.
1 To allow the first 4 weeks of the campaign be paid by tax payers.
(Labor coffers only contributed 50% of previous election funds).
2 Allow time to get people in seats.
3 Get more mileage from results from inquiry.
Bligh's prayers have been answered with flooding in the west far from Wivenhoe. She can now get out her Wonderwoman costume (cowboy hat, blue shirt, trousers and boots) and soar to the rescue of those unfortunates who continue to live on flood plains. A welcome diversion. Perhaps she will open another Premier's Fund to hand out largess to the improvident and the uninsurable.

Meanwhile a much larger group of uninsurable flood plain victims is drooling at the mouth at the thought of suing the taxpayer for billions over the Wivenhoe fiasco, about which we are all so smart in hindsight.

Yes Calliope, she is just like her predecessor, a real media tart and is taking full advantage of other people's misery with the flood waters.

She remembered how it collected votes for her in the 2011 floods and is riding it to the kilts again.
Yes Calliope, she is just like her predecessor, a real media tart and is taking full advantage of other people's misery with the flood waters.

She remembered how it collected votes for her in the 2011 floods and is riding it to the kilts again.

Do you lot hate labor that much or is it women:D
Yes Calliope, she is just like her predecessor, a real media tart and is taking full advantage of other people's misery with the flood waters.

She remembered how it collected votes for her in the 2011 floods and is riding it to the kilts again.
What do you think she should do? If she remained in Brisbane which would surely be more comfortable, wouldn't she be massively criticised for not being 'on the ground' where it matters?
I don't want her as Premier, will not vote for her, but think some of the criticism is a bit unfair. I expect her presence out in the west did make some of the flood affected folk out there feel at least a bit supported, poor things.
What do you think she should do? If she remained in Brisbane which would surely be more comfortable, wouldn't she be massively criticised for not being 'on the ground' where it matters?
I don't want her as Premier, will not vote for her, but think some of the criticism is a bit unfair. I expect her presence out in the west did make some of the flood affected folk out there feel at least a bit supported, poor things.

My opinion of Bligh is similar to your opinion of Gillard;

She has shown herself to be one of the most self interested, viciously competitive politicians ever who will do whatever it takes to keep herself in power.

Her decisions have been all about what benefits her, rather than what's best for Australia and its people.

Bligh said;

"Justice Kate Holmes is one of the finest legal minds in Queensland. That's one of the reasons why I appointed her to this position She has my full confidence and Queenslanders can have full confidence in her."

She is referring to the woman who was ready to hand down a benign and blameless decision on the flood inquiry, until Bligh was forced by News Ltd disclosures to reopen the inquiry.

This is the Kate Holmes who said about the Courier Mail that is was a "desperate attempt to pump a headline out of nothing," and was making "a calculated attempt to undermine the commission, and it's behaviour was "reprehensible."

In fact Bligh was forced to reopen the commission and her hand picked Commissioner Kate Holmes will be forced to hand down a report that is not flawed.
What do you think she should do? If she remained in Brisbane which would surely be more comfortable, wouldn't she be massively criticised for not being 'on the ground' where it matters?
I don't want her as Premier, will not vote for her, but think some of the criticism is a bit unfair. I expect her presence out in the west did make some of the flood affected folk out there feel at least a bit supported, poor things.

Julia, you seem to be missing the point or perhaps you maybe a little naive as to the modus operandi of Anna Bligh.

Whilst I am not suggesting she should not show some interest in the state of affairs with the floods in the south western Queensland, I believe she is over indulging herself with the media at every opportunity just to gain some traction of popularity and votes.

She has not forgotten how it lifted her in the polls this time last year and whoopee, I'll try this again with the election looming in March.

She has become a B.O.M weather commentator. Don't we have specialist in this field?

She has become a commentator on flood predictions of heights in various towns. Once agian this should be covered by other Governemnt officials.

She has once again started another Premier's flood relief fund. Why can't it just be a 'flood relief fund' distributed by the Salvo's?

The people in the North Western Queensland from Richmond to Mt.Isa and north to Normanton are all so suffering but I have not heard a word from Anna relating to this area.

She would have had far more respect from me if she had just had the odd photo shot as to where she is or has been and not a running commentary she portrays at every opportunity.

I am sorry Julia, but she is a media tart and a good actor and a lot of people fall for her act and toothie smile in a big way.
Julia, you seem to be missing the point or perhaps you maybe a little naive as to the modus operandi of Anna Bligh.
No, neither.
And I don't disagree with most of what you say.
I'm simply making the point that whatever she did, she would be criticised for it.
Bligh will not go quietly. She will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming. If you had seen her performance in parliament yesterday you would have witnessed a nasty, cowardly, hysterical, frightened woman muck raking under parliamentary privilege.

She will probably give a repeat performance today, her last day in parliament as Premier.
Bligh will not go quietly. She will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming. If you had seen her performance in parliament yesterday you would have witnessed a nasty, cowardly, hysterical, frightened woman muck raking under parliamentary privilege.

She will probably give a repeat performance today, her last day in parliament as Premier.

All she has to do and be herself. The people will decide.
In the Courier Mail under State Election there is a poll.
In excess of 190,000 voter are represented and its not a nice result for Bligh.
However we all know election day is probably another thing.
p.s. The Police have a nice "paddy wagon" for people who do not want to go when directed.
Bligh will not go quietly. She will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming. If you had seen her performance in parliament yesterday you would have witnessed a nasty, cowardly, hysterical, frightened woman muck raking under parliamentary privilege.

She will probably give a repeat performance today, her last day in parliament as Premier.
Her remarks yesterday suggesting that Campbell Newman would find himself in jail were inappropriate, despicable, and imo likely to lose her even more votes.
Her remarks yesterday suggesting that Campbell Newman would find himself in jail were inappropriate, despicable, and imo likely to lose her even more votes.

Yes I agree. She is lower than a rattle snakes belly to come at that caper.

She is a desperate woman in deed and extremely foolish.
Her remarks yesterday suggesting that Campbell Newman would find himself in jail were inappropriate, despicable, and imo likely to lose her even more votes.

I would agree Julia, a despicable act.

She is "gorne" and her government with her.

I would agree Julia, a despicable act.

She is "gorne" and her government with her.

Yes GG, I agree.....I wish someone would shove a sugar loaf cabbage in her toothy gob........She is so desperate to discredit Cambell Newman...........Gawd, I hope it backfires her.