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Advice on Magazine & Newsletter Subscriptions etc

Latest from the "intelligent investor" (intelligent in name only IMHO).

(from etrade website)

"Our research director explains a change in his personal view on one of our top recommendations. Hi, my name is Greg and until recently I was a Flight Centre bear. Well perhaps bear is a bit strong, but I was certainly not convinced by our positive recommendation on the stock. But over the past year I’ve read the excellent special report by our Flight Centre experts Gareth Brown and Tony Scenna, Looking under Flight Centre’s Fuselage, Mandy Johnson’s book, Family Village Tribe, and I’ve taken a long, hard look at the company’s financial results. And I’ve changed my tune."

So there you go - they were happily recommending FLT even though the research director thought it was a dud.

I rate the intelligent investor as AVOID

If you are a short term trader - yes of course avoid them.
I think their time horizon is very long term... (I've never subscribed to them, but I did receive their freebies) so for investors with the outlook to hold onto stocks for years - they do pick good stocks with good fundamentals.

Julia said:

Have just had a look at the website. I see the 325% was on CFD's which is of course a different proposition than trading ordinary shares. It's an astonishing claim. Are you going to give it a go?


Keep in mind that they have only reported their return during a BULL market.
By the time you get a Magazine on the shelf 2 months has lasped and the horses has bolted

cheers laurie
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