hey lou
i am not an eme holder, but if you want to cut and paste go ahead..
it seems even with a 40 foot flare on the well there are many doubters at eme, which is a real shame as anyone selling today is absolutely going to lament it in the very near future..
I dont think people understand what its like to be able to be in the position mr Fluor has.. TCEI has the absolute lions share of the leases here,, their clever move to buy the 10,000 acres off mobil all those years ago really clinched it for me.. with the 4 leases in live oak held firm by conocophillips i think we have a monster well coming up.. as you may be aware the kunde wells results will simultaneously coincide with the SL1 tests..
The TCEI scouts have secured the whole field end to end.. with a test well (pogue) back in 2002.. i have seen the logs there and you see i stay in ADI.. if you follow my drift..
I see kunde 1 was perforated, but not fraced, and is producing from parts of the well thats not sugarkane...
i see kunde 3 is going for the sugar,, and Sl2 is a sweet tooth also,, looking exclusively for sugarkane on the horizontal..
there was a brilliant 40 foot flare the other day,, and a buying frnzy and 30% spike on eme sp,, and the news surfaced about the kunde 3 flare a week later after the spike.. leaky boat perhaps? (spectacular news)
TCEI, and Mr Fluor are basically setting themselves up for a major windfall,,, as will anyone who delves in this one.. there has been many years of history here, and in no way has this investment and the 100's of millions of dollars spent so far by the TCEI camp been done for a 50bcf play..
let the doubters be, i filter them as they only are abusive and lack any research.. they have not researched and calculated the staggering dollars spent here so far by TCEI for the last 15 years on leases and wells.. the pogue well is commercial, its tested twice a year,, its not on production.. its a test well that one day will be a production well.. why cap a well that can produce??? for this many years,, what sort of cash does this amazing TCEi have available.. i have the utmost respect for TCEI, and they have run this show brilliantly..
Hold on if you in,, its only days away now... Kunde 3,,, SL1...
elephants a stomping couchy said... i cant wait to fly to texas and shake that cowboys hand!! hats off to a legend..
what i would like to know is what would possess anyone to sell adi right now today!! why not hang in a few days and see some bluesky..??
good luck to all...