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ABC is Political

Just for clarification, as the thread as is it's wont, deflects to ignorance.

I hold Mrs Tony Jones, Mrs Bolt, Mrs Richardson and Miss Alan Jones in equal opprobrium.

All are likely lads elevated to wealth and influence by the gods.

None could compare with Bob Santamaria, of who many have heard, but not listened.

He advocated a Singapore type compulsory savings, tied to home ownership and family benefits, long before it became fashionable. His social and political philosophy if adopted would have benefited Australia immensely.

Google him and read some of his thoughts and you will be enlightened.


A coal mine, even if it is a bloody massive one, will only cover a small footprint, relative to a region. So let's not get over the top with painting a picture.

Secondly, the loonie left Labor and Greens, have made it glaringly obvious, that they won't sell our coal or give access to it.

So if the Chinese want to buy it, why not get some money for it? We've said we don't want it.

Look at it like an old HQ Holden your mum ownes, it doesn't run on unleaded and pollutes a lot.

Someone wants to buy it, but you say no mum leave it in the shed, and get a loan to pay your debts.

Meanwhile Labor and the Greens tell your mum, to crush it and send it to the tip, then get a loan.

Actually it reminds me of how lots of people think, maybe that's why we are in the situation we find

+1, agree, Logique, and noco.

Brainwashing our children in our public schools and universities, and dismantling our history.

So who would you say is his modern equivalent in politics ?

Malcolm Turnbull ?
Noco ...I see you have listed what someone else sees as a socialist agenda.
I think that we should get your thoughts on all of these points-not just slogans.
I would like to know your views on the compatibility of the two ideas -political correctness and respectful behaviour?
I am sure that you have thought about these things,and I am sure that you would like to lift the standard of debate.
After that we will go onto the next point on the list.

It's the water table dear sp. Do a bit of research on the issue and then come back with your thoughts. Depending how badly damaged the water table gets could impact a large area of the murray darling basin.

Why are we allowing a company and country to increase the over supply of one of the main income commodities we export? Why take on the risk of building a coal mine when you can buy exisiting mines on the cheap since they're not making money.

Whether India can achieve their stated goal, but they plan to start reducing their coal imports. China already has. Where's the extra production going to go in a market that's already well oversupplied? It just doesn't make economic sense for us to willingly allow more supply onto a market that will just see profits decimated.

Can you imagine the claims of bias if the ABC had landline do a report on the issue???
I no longer watch Qanda as it gives me a headache, and I find scrolling through ASF much better therapy than Qanda of a Monday

funny, I couldnt bear it as everyone just pushing their own barrow, made me want to throw up with all that predictable, posturing BS...I suspect they tried to "jazz it up" recently...wonder if the ratings have gone up?

Firstly I have noted from my own observations what the socialists agenda is all about and I have lived long enough to see what is happening and will press my point without what you call slogans....Some people will agree with me and some won't.

It is very obvious from your comments that you do not like my opinion or my political beliefs which is well known to the lefties on this forum and that is stiff bickkies.....

Political correctness ????????????? Does this really exist?...I doubt it.

Respectful behavior??????Is it your opinion that I don't and can you give me some examples?...I have been shown a lot of disrespect from certain people on this forum but I guess that is OK in your opinion.

So what standard of level of debate do you desire?...A one sided debate where everyone agrees with you?...Now that is what I call socialism which is one step behind communism.

And what is your next point on the list?

I am sure you have some thinking to do in what you believe in or what you have been brainwashed at school.
Believe it or not Noco that was not personally directed at you-but you seem sensitive on the issue.
I think there is always a conflict and a balance between the two issues.Governments departments have policies regarding respectful behaviour,or else if we were had open slather with politically incorrect behaviour.We may well have fist fights in the corridors.This goes to gender race sexuality etc.
When your anti-socialist post makes comments about politically correct behaviour-what do you mean?I asked you about the balance between respectful behaviour and politically correct (or incorrect) behaviour.
For reasons of harmony Asian countries are very strong on respectful behaviour.
What are your views on this?

Believe it or not whether it was personally directed at me........If it was not personally directed at me, why did you mention my screen name.....You seem to be in conflict with yourself.
So Packer's boy, Ray isn't good enough to judge Caesar. Maybe if Andrew Bolt got the job it would be a fairer?
So we have a bunch of losers (Abbott Government) telling all and sundry that the ABC is rotten and bad.....heads should roll and those here on board with the propaganda, liar, right wing cheer squad all nodding their heads solemnly.

Reality check FFS. (I know the true blue RW think every thing ABC bad regardless its in the genes)

One of the most trusted organizations (ABC) is being investigated by one of the most distrusted organizations (Abbott government leader totally discredited) cheered on by those media organizations that also rank at the bottom of any trust rating how is this so?

There is no one in the current political land scape that doesn't see the current actions form Abbott as bulling and intimidation to the ABC to become the government propaganda arm of the government.

On top of that the disputed programs are less than 2% to 4% of ABC programing

That of course is not including programs like the killing season etc again FFS get a grip its an extraordinary situation you couldn't make up seriously.
Funny how the ABC web site has nothing about Shorten open for comment.......yes funny about that
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