Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

A new strategy

19 June 2005
Read the ASF forums and pick up the stocks mentioned there, analyze them and if they look good buy! I've yet to have a loss whilst paper trading them :D
Well obviously you didn't buy MUL, well done. So if I start a thread on a stock you will read and then analyse it and if it looks good you will but it. Geez I must start posting more often then. I can mention three stocks now I would like people to buy, this could be my new strategy pick a couple of stocks and then post on them. I will share with you all my success or lack of. LOL
Guppy had this ‘Water Hole’ approach, trading stocks mentioned in Shares mag.

Looks that it worked, not sure if it still works with proliferation of magazines, tipping services and Internet sites.
Problem with that is that everyone is buying it too, of course it will go up, and those people who knew before hand what stocks will be mentioned in the mag will be all the more richer.

I believe anyone who tips and has a large audience can make themselves richer
andrew_c2o said:
Read the ASF forums and pick up the stocks mentioned there, analyze them and if they look good buy! I've yet to have a loss whilst paper trading them :D

Just some general comments:
Please remember that only qualified people can give financial advice and that you can lose money by following tips posted on forums. It is also easier to make money 'retrospectively' and many tips on this forum have been duds, each poster to his own. Just thought I should warn anyone who thinks that following tips to make profits is easy or that ramping is good.
andrew_c2o said:
Problem with that is that everyone is buying it too, of course it will go up, and those people who knew before hand what stocks will be mentioned in the mag will be all the more richer.

I believe anyone who tips and has a large audience can make themselves richer

That is, of course, presuming the audience isn't interested in doing their own research and is necessarily both lazy and gullible if they were simply to take up any tips mentioned in a forum which may be nothing more than an attempt at ramping for the benefit of that stock owner.

Always do your own research, irrespective of where the tip came from. It's your money and your goals that your trying to achieve!