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90-year-old Saudi Arabian man sues the family of his 15-year-old bride

Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

This might cause a bit of a stir...but perhaps we should try not to superimpose our Western values on non-Western societies?
I agree; however, there are some universal human values that have developed over the past 200 years that are applicable and a 90 year old marrying a 15 year old is probably one of the things the majority of the world population would find inappropriate.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

thanks kennas.

Can you give me some global cultural and intercontinental values that have developed over the last 200 years.

I'm particularly thinking of "us" versus states like Pakistan, India, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Somalia.

Your statement is a common one but I'd like evidence for it's application.

Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

Burns, you are up to no good again.

Blame Gillard for everything.

What the f*** has Julia Gillard got to do with this?
Now, Macquack, you are quite perceptive enough to understand Mr Burns' reference to Ms Gillard.
Obviously it's with regard to the definition of misogyny. The hideous treatment of women, and young girls in India, Saudi Arabia et al deserves absolutely the label of misogyny. To apply the same word to Tony Abbott is clearly ridiculous.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

Very true, Kennas, but then we have the saying "age doesnt matter" bandied about, and you just have to watch our TV and news articles to wonder how much have we changed.

I may be off track here, but just my opinion.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

This is not true - the whole idea of survival of the fittest/ evolution by natural selection is that there is an abundance of sperm and eggs. Hence men producing millions of sperm per day / women ovulating once a month. Actually, recycling sperm (reusing older males) would reduce 'genetic variety'...

gg you're my new press secretary

I must say there are some very intelligent responses to this issue being expressed in here, some I'd never considered.

I hate to speak for GG, but I thought there was perhaps a hint of sarcasm in his response.

There is a huge spectrum of misogyny - to label one man's bigotry insignificant in comparison to an obvious extreme is, in my opinion, dangerous and incorrect. We live in vastly different societies, with vastly different levels of expectation. By the standards of our society, Mr Abbott is clearly a misogynist. Interestingly enough, by the standards of Saudi society, this man is not - he is merely following the laws of his country.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

. By the standards of our society, Mr Abbott is clearly a misogynist. .

Thats is absolute rubbish, Abbott is a family man and there is absolutely no evidence that he is a misogyiyst you are just falling in line with Gillards hateful tirade.

There's a difference between fact and smear,

Gillard is a liar - fact

Abbott is a misoginyst - smear
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

The values are rolled in to international law. There's a bunch of them starting with the UDHR.

I'm not sure where this particular case fits in. It might depend on if 15 is deemed a child, or if she has 'voluntarily' agreed to marriage. I think the shocking thing in this case is the age difference which probably isn't specified anywhere as right or wrong. If the male was 20-30 this probably wouldn't have been seen to be so crazy.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

What rubbish. Explain how a man with several daughters, a female chief of staff, and a history of good relationships with his female colleagues is a 'hater of women'.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

Also on the ABC web site, I'll post it here rather than have more then one thread on these issues -

Sharia law needs to be outlawed...........
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

Also on the ABC web site, I'll post it here rather than have more then one thread on these issues -

Sharia law needs to be outlawed...........

Just you wait - it'll soon come to a suburb near you. Just give Hanson-Young and her band of fluffheads their way; don't check or challenge anyone who comes "across the Seas"; welcome them and afford them tolerance, love and welfare; respect their rights to hold on to their "cultural values"; and never expect them to at least leave their historic baggage at the door.
(Could've posted it in the "Religion" thread.)
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

I posted this in "breaking news" maybe you didn't see it , I think you'll agree.

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Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

I posted this in "breaking news" maybe you didn't see it , I think you'll agree.

I did see it.
I watched it in its entirety.
I agree 100%. (but I see you gathered that much ...)
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

I posted this in "breaking news" maybe you didn't see it , I think you'll agree.

I did see it.
I watched it in its entirety.
I agree 100%. (but I see you gathered that much ...)
He speaks well. Good post. Agree 96%.
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Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

True, Kennas. Just makes me wonder if we are going backwards or forwards.

Age gap may not be right or wrong, but it just concerns me when you look around and see single parents (men and women) dating the same age as their children or grandchildren, I feel for the kids, just my opinion.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

He speaks well. Good post. Agree 96%.

He does speak well and with clarity, there is more of him on You Tube.

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