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90-year-old Saudi Arabian man sues the family of his 15-year-old bride

6 September 2008

Charming isn't it.
Go over there Gillard and give them the misogynist speech, see how you go.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

Charming isn't it.
They'll get there eventually, or send the rest of us back to medieval religious culture.

These cultures effectively had exposure to post industrial technology while still within a pre-renaissance culture.

Like all cultural mismatches of the past, it creates problems.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

They'll get there eventually, or send the rest of us back to medieval religious culture.
I reckon they have a long way to go, doc. 5 + generations to go maybe. The religion is too entrenched in their politics and culture. If they were secular, this type of behaviour would have ended around the same time as the end of slavery perhaps.

I doubt very much we will go back.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

I doubt very much we will go back.

Wishful thinking, kennas;
seeing all the "understanding" libertarians preaching tolerance and embracing every behaviour that claims to be rooted in "CULTURE", I have my doubts. As our politicians lack the guts to stand up to bullying minorities, chances are increasing that Sharia may creep into our family law by stealth. Maybe de-facto at first, in ghetto enclaves where few civilised members of Western orientation dare go. But the fewer contacts there are, the fewer outsiders are able to understand Arabic and care about what those kids are really being taught, the greater the risk of a forced return to Neolithic levels.
The few educated members of Islamic faith, who might be able to translate, are far too busy adjusting into Western Society. Good on them for integrating! But they're out-screamed and out-bred by the other kind.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

Makes me sick....

Not just limited to Saudi.


And others...

Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

You know, there was probably a very good reason for these customs to start. A survival necessity perhaps. I'm sure it's not required any more though...
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

You know, there was probably a very good reason for these customs to start. A survival necessity perhaps. I'm sure it's not required any more though...

No never was about survival in the purest sense as men didn't live as long way back when plus the best breeding comes from the young and fittest.

Its only ever been about power I suspect.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

You know, there was probably a very good reason for these customs to start. A survival necessity perhaps. I'm sure it's not required any more though...

It provides genetic diversity as older men's spermatozoa mutate more.

Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

It's a sick world, we've seen too much of it in here lately, and it doesn't even scratch the surface.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

You know, there was probably a very good reason for these customs to start. A survival necessity perhaps. I'm sure it's not required any more though...

of course!
In the Stone Age, the tribe's survival depended on genetic variety and making sure that no sperm, no egg was wasted. Even in more recent historical times, in a region where resources were scarce and battles bloody, all members of a tribe had to band together to make sure that losses were replenished as quickly as could be.
The problem started when those tribal survival rules were compiled into books, declared "Holy" and "God-Given", never to be changed.

Some more progressive members of those three "Book Clubs" have found it easier to adjust and, while unable to really change "The Book", learned to ignore or re-interpret the anachronisms. I have heard of many Rabbis, and read of even more, who in their heart of hearts consider themselves atheists or polytheists.
The Vatican had to be dragged kicking and screaming into modern times, but at least acknowledges now too that the Earth isn't flat, that Galileo was treated unjustly, and even homosexuals have a human soul worthy of respect. Leaves only one "Book".
The biggest problem is the youngest of the three, composed at a particularly violent period, by a tribesman who felt it necessary to suppress his women rather than his own urges. Therefore, the less education and self-control a guy has, the easier it is for him to refer to this book and demand respect and deference from the weaker sex. Never mind that other sections of the same Book foster peace, respect, learning, and personal effort. The followers of those ideals - both genders - remain by and large "quiet achievers"; it's the uneducated "all brawn, no brain" that dominate and make lives such a misery for the rest of us.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

This might cause a bit of a stir...but perhaps we should try not to superimpose our Western values on non-Western societies?
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

This might cause a bit of a stir...but perhaps we should try not to superimpose our Western values on non-Western societies?

True, Tyler;
and if you read my replies about live cattle export and abattoirs, even the rape and murder in India, you'll know that's my point as well. What Western societies ought to focus on is education. And in spite of centuries of colonisation and empire-building, the educational side has been criminally neglected.

Instead, the colonial Masters have kept the natives uneducated and subservient, extracting as much material goods and services from them as possible with little given in return. As a result, there is now an ever-increasing prosperity gap between the "Western" countries and the former colonies. No wonder that the latter are increasingly suspicious and hostile towards the former.

Trying to now catch up and hand out some token foreign aid won't wash. Too little, too late.
Showing respect, even if "their" values are in places diametrically opposed to "ours", could be a better starting point.

It will however be difficult to achieve on a broad enough scale to make an impact.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

To me, the broader issue is not one of superimposition. That has rarely come about peacefully.

It's more about broadly adopting the cultures that advances our civilisation. The West hit the jackpot first, but it could just as easily been the other way around.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

Burns, you are up to no good again.

Blame Gillard for everything.

What the f*** has Julia Gillard got to do with this?

I guess Burnsie is making the point that one can call anyone with whom one does not agree, a misogynist.

It is the new definition as espoused by the Macquarie Dictionary.

Like when the kids say " That is so gay", or "you are so gay"

Words elide.

Gay was originally happy, then homosexual and now means silly.

If Mrs Gillard choses to change the meaning of a word, why cannot Mr.Burns?

Macquack you are a misogynist for attacking the demure Mr. Burns. Burnsie may very well be provoked to going on youtube to expose your misogyny.

As in.

This 90 year old bastard in Saudia Arabia is so gay to fight for misogyny.

Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

gg you're my new press secretary

I must say there are some very intelligent responses to this issue being expressed in here, some I'd never considered.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

My true hope is the western world focuses on finding an alternative to oil and we can close our borders to these people. Leave them to their problems and no longer give them someone to blame - I know they will but we can just ignore them.

When they've gone through their current dark ages AND a few decades of reformation with secular Govt that is not beholden to religious leaders, then maybe we can think about trading and interacting with them again.

If the world would just stop exporting labour to them, well then maybe their own people would spend more time in real jobs than designing the latest in suicide bomber chic.
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

As an admirer of the Romans, I would much prefer the Gaius Julius Caesar approach.

Thank god the Romans never had the UN.

This old Saudi bastard needs to be taken out and crucified.

Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

This might cause a bit of a stir...but perhaps we should try not to superimpose our Western values on non-Western societies?
couldn't agree more
Re: A 90-year-old Saudi Arabian man is suing the family of his 15-year-old bride

Spot on pixel. One of the reasons for our own post war baby explosion too. With their infant mortality rates so poor, they just need to keep breeding. I do wonder if this is still required though. The Earth has at least twice as many humans as sustainable from all accounts. Maybe it's just pockets here and there that need to keep the human capital running at high levels for labour and security.
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