1. When Al Quaeda took out the World Trade Centre.... It wasn't a plan to Kill thousands of Infidels....that was a bonus.
2. What it was was a statement of their ultimate goal, which was to destroy the fundamental that the western world is built upon. The economy.
3. George Bush went in hook line and sinker, creating the $4 trillion war on terror...
and now we are all screwed.
4. Thanks George....so much that our forefathers worked for, you have allowed to be taken away.
If enemies of the United States had gotten together a few years ago to devise a plan to damage America and undermine its global position–diminish its power and credibility, drag it into a stubborn war, harm its relations with allies, create international financial disarray, run up huge deficits, create political openings for the Europeans and China to exploit and become equals in global economic matters, motivate terrorists, bring the U.S. image in the Middle East to its nadir, restrict civil liberties at home, and so forth–they would have been hard-pressed to create a program that would be more effective than the Bush administration’s policies on these issues of war, terrorism, and global economics have.
Given these conditions, there is now great reason for all Americans, including, if not especially, Republicans and conservatives, to demand an end to these policies in Iraq and at home that are making life more dangerous and costly. Some years ago, during the Vietnam War, Richard Nixon said that “Vietnam cannot defeat or humiliate the United States. Only Americans can do that.” It seems like George Bush has accomplished precisely that all these years later.
Have you gone through this thread
The PRE-PLANNED Financial/Economic 911 of 2008 ( 1 2)
Kimosabi 21st-October-2008 02:52 AM
Might find some interesting things.
The video in that link of yours has been taken off youtube. Do you know where one oculd find it?
P, what was the alternate approach after 9/11?Just the other night we were discussing who had done more damage to the US - George Bush or Osama Bin Laden.
George won hands down in terms of loss of life in a war that was directed against the wrong person, $$$ lost in fighting that war, and now their financial institutions have taken out world markets as a result of poor governance. What a legacy.
...................Just the other night we were discussing who had done more damage to the US - George Bush or Osama Bin Laden.
Just the other night we were discussing who had done more damage to the US - George Bush or Osama Bin Laden.
I do not understand, how journalists could get to Osama but not CIA/NSA, while he is in their top 10 list since 90's.
A new thinking and tactic is required. But I guess just as the killing of Saddam has not ended the war in Iraq, nor will a Osama kill fetch victory against this loosely con-notated "War on Terror"
Even if they do find Osama and kill him, the guy's had 7 years to recruit, organise, educate and maneuver his much larger following of fundamentalist followers to action. They are far more dangerous then ever before. Of course he has replacements. He is like any other military leader - he's prepared. They don't care if they die.
or in GW Bush's case, complete stupidity.... The problem is the arrogance and incomplete intelligence.
The major problem for America is that it does not have any imperial experience. They don't connect with the people on the ground. They tend to do everything in American fashion, which is to use excessive force, use air power but do not engage using ground forces, unless forced to do that like in Iraq. To top it all off, they just form bases and surround them with big walls (like Baghdad in Iraq or Kabul in Afghanistan). This kind of behaviour frustrates, degrades and irritates local population.
If you don't believe me , check the interview of Donald Rumsfeld, before attacking Afghanistan's Tora bora, where he shows how in an underground mountain they have palaces and latest weaponry. (please watch "Baby it is cold outside" on youtube it has that clip). Now when you watch it, it seems hilarious, and sadly ridiculous.
Funny how someone above claimed the CIA had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda, when even the US FBI Special Agent Jack Cloonan dubbed Ali Mohamed as bin Ladens "first trainer". ..
Alleged CIA involvement
Whether Osama bin Laden and his group are "blowback" from CIA's Operation Cyclone to help the Afghan mujahideen is a matter of some debate.
Robin Cook, former leader of the British House of Commons and Foreign Secretary from 1997-2001, has written that bin Laden was, "a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies" and that the mujahideen that formed Al-Qaida were "originally ... recruited and trained with help from the CIA".[13]
However, CNN journalist Peter Bergen, known for conducting the first television interview with Osama bin Laden in 1997, calls the idea "that the CIA funded bin Laden or trained bin Laden ... a folk myth. There's no evidence of this. ... Bin Laden had his own money, he was anti-American and he was operating secretly and independently. ... The real story here is the CIA didn't really have a clue about who this guy was until 1996 when they set up a unit to really start tracking him."[14]
Along with native Afghan mujahideen (fighters of jihad or "holy warriors") were Muslim volunteers from other countries, popularly known as "Afghan Arabs". The most famous of the Afghan Arabs was Osama bin Laden, known at the time as a wealthy and pious Saudi who provided his own money and helped raise millions from other wealthy Gulf Arabs.
Overall, the U.S. government looked favorably on the Arab recruitment drives. ...
As the war neared its end, bin Laden organized the al-Qaeda organization to carry on armed jihad in other venues, primarily against the United States, the country that had helped fund the mujahideen against the Soviets.
A number of commentators have described Al-Qaeda attacks as "blowback" or an unintended consequence of American aid to the mujahideen. In response, the American government, American and Pakistani intelligence officials involved in the operation, and at least one journalist (Peter Bergen) have denied this theory. They maintain the aid was given out by the Pakistan government, that it went to Afghan not foreign mujahideen, and that there was no contact between the Afghan Arabs (foreign mujahideen) and the CIA or other American officials, let alone arming, training, coaching, indoctrination, etc.
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