2023 Yearly Spreadsheet for Monthly Competitions, updated at the end of December 2023 below.
I hope many get something out of the collection of Monthly Comp data results.
XAO in December had a great month going up by 7.3% while ASF Team Average only went up by 1.7%.
Monthly Average for the XAO = 0.75% and the Monthly Average for the ASF Team = -1.32%, a little disappointing.
@greggles won the Hypothetical Compounding Section with a balance of $22,262. 10 out 12 83% trades in profit so well done.
@Telamelo got sick and tired of gambling on all of us and took it to another level by coming in 2nd in this section with $21,885, so not far behind.
Now who lost the most of their money ....... oh NO, oh well the cat's out the bag now ..... it was
@Faramir with only $1,059.
100% Winning Tips were only Tipsters that had only 1 pick all year but they didn't lose any money and had good results.
Thanks for the support for the Monthly Comps and the ASX Stock Threads everyone, appreciate it and good luck in 2024.
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