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2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

A question if I may, Julia? Are you against the idea of rolling back the franking credit scheme or are you against the way it was swept under the rug during the announcement?
What's your attitude to franking credits McLovin? Bit unfair to ask Julia without providing your own view.

I think it has generally served us well. I would prefer them to take the money from the property sector. Say limited negative gearing unless it is a new property. This would help the economy and would serve a good purpose in increasing housing supply.
The face of a bully.

Certainly he has Bill Shorten scared.:hide:

Employment Relations Minister Bill Shorten defended Mr Rudd's character, saying he believed the Prime Minister had changed. "I have no doubt that not only is Kevin Rudd a more consultative person, but he is the right leader for these times," he said.

But Air Vice-Marshals don't scare easily;

The targets of his bullying are usually wimps like Shorten or young women just doing their job.

This is an ideal opportunity to get stuck into negative gearing on residential property, would have a twofold benefit. residential property would come down in price mainly at the lower end, for new homebuyers and the Govt would have a source of revenue.

How would a change in franking credits effects shares like TLS ?
How would a change in franking credits effects shares like TLS ?

You simply pay more tax on the dividend.............hang on is that just another great big tax?

PPL scheme isn't what we need and I don't know that it actually buys votes I dont think Abbott needs it.
You simply pay more tax on the dividend.............hang on is that just another great big tax?

PPL scheme isn't what we need and I don't know that it actually buys votes I dont think Abbott needs it.

So share price declines.

I am not a Rudd supporter and believe Abbott will win for sure.

I am an avid Abbott critic having followed his diabolical political career when he started out as a complete thug / dick head and really worried we are going to have a complete tosser as PM.

Given the Coalition are going to win then there needs to be a bit more scrutiny on their proposed actions when in government rather than just be waved through by the Murdoch press.
Given the Coalition are going to win then there needs to be a bit more scrutiny on their proposed actions when in government rather than just be waved through by the Murdoch press.

Why? If the public doesn't like "their proposed actions" it won't vote them in. But then again they have no choice, do they?

I hope the volcanologists are keeping a close eye on Rudd. I think he is ready to blow. He is seething below the surface. Seismic activity is a sign of an impending eruption. There have been several signs over the past few days.

A question if I may, Julia? Are you against the idea of rolling back the franking credit scheme or are you against the way it was swept under the rug during the announcement?
Both. Plus I'm opposed to the Abbott PPL itself. Labor's scheme is reasonable, not excessive, and imo one of the things they have got right. That's if you must have any sort of scheme. I'd prefer to see it all junked: no baby bonus, no parental leave, minimal subsidy of child care. I don't see the having or raising of children to be the responsibility of the State, but reluctantly acknowledge that it is a reality.

I find it obscene that Mr Abbott's scheme will pay $75,000 to women whose family income is in the millions, while we have young single mothers trying to exist on the absolutely inadequate unemployment benefit.
Ditto those simply on unemployment benefits where the level of poverty is totally counterproductive to their hopes of finding work. They do not even receive concessional public transport, for heaven's sake!

So it's essentially about fairness across the whole system for me.

Agree with Knobby's suggestion that it would be preferable for some cost to come out of abolishing property related benefits, eg negative gearing should at least be modified/limited.
Or retain and modify the mining tax instead of abolishing that.

I dislike above all else the constant attempts by both sides, and in this instance the Coalition, to be less than candid about their policies and their funding. It breeds further distrust about what they'll actually do when elected.

The reduction in franking credits, rather like Labor's proposed deposit tax, sets a concerning precedent.
Sure, we're just talking relatively small amounts right now, but it's the fundamental foot in the door, the soft introduction of a new way of taking our money away from us to pay for their ego driven nonsense.

Tony Abbott's PPL is his extravagant way of attempting to negate the image that he does not get women.
That probably irritates me most of all.

What's your attitude to franking credits McLovin? Bit unfair to ask Julia without providing your own view.
I'm happy to respond, but agree that I'd like to know your own view also McLovin.


How would a change in franking credits effects shares like TLS ?

So share price declines.
I don't think it will necessarily affect the SP. Just mean a little more tax paid for those paying tax, and a slight reduction in cash credit for those who do not.
Labors PPL is worse for small business in that they force all the paperwork/expenses onto employers (labor may have backflipped on this just recently. I wouldnt call one better than the other.
So with biillions in debt, and more billions yet to come, our Dear Leaders have decided with great benevolence to bestow upon the Mighty Broncos further largess. Interesting to see Abbott has promised 5M, 2M more than Rudd, possibly to help pay repay the Imperial Murdoch forces for all their help during the circus performance.

Maybe it's fitting that in these times or self entitlement, the Govt is helping to keep the masses entertained, at least for a while longer.

Vale the fiscal conservative who follows through on their beliefs.

Well, they have taken a leaf out of the Book Of Roman Politix - give the hoi poloi more spectacle, arenas, gladiators... yeah, that's what I want....KRudd v TAbbott in a to-the-death gladiatorial contest. Bet THAT would bust the ratings meters... :samurai:

Come now, be an Aussie

5M to fund the Thunder Dome. We don't need another hero eh.

Kathy can stand in for Tina. All that chainmail should look good on her.

I dobut either of the Dear Leaders would be able to start a chainsaw, but I'd prefer less lethal weapons anyway.

Might as well make things last a while, and it would be good to share their pain

Two go in, one comes out.
Gotti is claiming Abbott is looking at making changes to the treatment of art works for SMSF so that they can be hung in the homes of the SMSF trustee.

Yay. A great way to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars Tony into productive assets. Just what the country needs. Just imagining people with seriously valuable art work on display. I feel a rise in home invasions coming on should this pass.

One can hope this is a false rumour, but with Tony ya never know.
Scoreboard this week:

Makeup artists and journalism students = 1
Kevin Rudd = 0

Remind me again, who's the misogynist?

Because it wouldn't seem to be that '...absolutely lovely, engaged in genuine conversation with me, acknowledge[d] that I had a job to do and was very appreciative...' Mr Abbot.
Rudd is looking increasingly desperate as an election win appears to be slipping further from his grasp. Hence his desperation tactics of inventing the CUT CUT CUT mantra in an effort to scare the electorate into voting against Abbot.
This is actually pretty amusing, considering the numerous funding cuts we’ve seen in six years of government under Rudd and Gillard.

Anyway, partly for my own amusement, and partly because of my intense dislike of Rudd and the Labor Party, I’ve put together the following poem to highlight the shameless hypocrisy of this grubby little pretender who masquerades as our Prime Minster.

CUT CUT CUT (by Bunyip)

Kevin Rudd’s a worried man
His smile is thin and flaky
His polling goes downhill each day
He looks increasingly shaky

He knows that only weeks from now
We’ll bring our judgment down
On six long years of incompetence
From him and his Labor clowns

So Kev and his pals have decided
In desperation it seems
To embark on a mantra of CUT CUT CUT
To hijack the Abbot team

‘CUT CUT CUT’ chants Kevin
‘That’s what the Libs will do
Don't vote them into power
Or life will get harder for you
We’re in the building business
That’s the ALP way
We build things up in government
Then the Liberals throw them away’

Righto Kev, let’s dig deeper
To see if you’re telling us true
Or is this just more of the lying
That comes so easily to you?

You CUT CUT CUT defense spending
When you should have been spending more
To ensure that our military forces
Could keep our country secure

You CUT CUT CUT uni funding
You hypocritical fake
Yet you have the gall to mock Abbot
For the cuts that YOU claim he’ll make

You CUT CUT CUT Customs funding
And what has been the result?
Guns and drugs that slip through the net
You dim-witted, small-minded dolt

You CUT CUT CUT the health budget
You cut infrastructure as well
You and Gillard have CUT CUT CUT
Through six years of Labor hell

Why is it Kev that you CUT CUT CUT
And TAX TAX TAX with a passion?
Perhaps it’s because you’ve SPENT SPENT SPENT
In reckless and wasteful fashion.
School halls at three times the normal price
Pink batts to put in the roof
And the border protection debacle as well
Has supplied us with absolute proof
That you’re unfit to be leader, Kev
You’re just not up to the job
That’s why we plan to turf you out
You and your Labor mob

We’re looking forward to election day
Bring on September 7
We’ll boot the ALP rabble out
And their useless leader, Kevin
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