A few more
Ted Lowe, commenting on Fred Davis during a snooker match when Fred had to lean over the table
"Fred Davis, the doyen of snooker, now 67 years of age and too old to get his leg over, prefers to use his left hand."
James Allen interviewing Ralf Schumacher at a Grand Prix, asked:
"What does it feel like being rammed up the backside by Rubens Barrichello?"
David Coleman:
And there is the great Cuban runner Alberto Juantorena, opening his legs wide and showing us all his class."
Johnny Cradock, Husband of legendry 1970,s British TV Cook Fanny Cradock, on air quote:
'And if you housewives make doughnuts at home, I really hope yours turn out like Fannys'"
Brian Johnston.
“There's Neil Harvey standing at leg slip with his legs wide apart, waiting for a tickle”.