Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Value Collector's latest activity

  • Value Collector
    Value Collector reacted to Dona Ferentes's post in the thread Ageing population with Haha Haha.
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    there is the ignore button if my opinions keep you up at night, 🥴. I think I have made my way by working hard and having a high savings...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    I don’t anyone here is saying we should stop exporting, I think we should be big exporters, of anything we have a competitive advantage...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    I don’t so much have a believe in my own opinion about battery factories as much as I believe in the markets ability to work out where...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    Unemployment isn’t sky high. And who is to say what jobs are needed, you might value a Taylor swift concert and be willing to pay $300...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    Yeah, house prices are expensive, but that’s just one aspect of the economy, and can be a sign that the economy is booming. When you...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    The reason I am not really putting to much effort into talking about government bloat is because that isn’t my argument. I am talking...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    I don’t think battery manufacturing is an obvious one, although I do understand it’s one you are obsessed with. If you are that...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    Firstly, what’s with all the swearing, are you drunk 🥴? As I said before, we have basically endless amounts of resources, probably...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    That’s my whole point, I don’t think we should bother wasting time putting labour and capital into industries we can’t compete in, and...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    I give a **** too, what have I said that makes you think I don’t? I want labour and capital to be deployed efficiently, because that...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    I used that as an example of something you guys are considering as “value adding”, you can swap it for steel mill, battery factory or...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    It’s up to the market to decide how many uber drivers and baristas we need, when the market is saturated and can’t absorb any more...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    Well mining is our largest export industry and it does absorb a lot of capital and Labour, remember the limiting factor is not just...
  • Value Collector
    Value Collector replied to the thread Ageing population.
    We aren’t averse to value adding, we just don’t go into industries where the value added is not profitable. As I explained above, even...