So by going with your logic, that $Trillion in debt that was created in just 100 days means there is now a $Trillion in fresh new assets???
Like what? Mining something, human labour??? 'Asset' creation has never been created that fast ever.
Or maybe it's just a measure of how much previous...
An interesting dilemma for The Controllers?
Global equity markets breaking record highs on a daily basis, presumably on the 'assumption' that our banking overlords will cut interest rates, yet their underlying economies continue to stagnate in stagflationary cost-of-living quagmires?
Rumour JPM in trouble.....
Euro banks insolvent on NIRP.....Deutsche Bank
$15T in neg yld junk
USD no longer least dirty shirt with crypto and gold...
QE imminent!
Yikes, what a great effort by luutzi with the investing 101! Far more patience than I have.
So the problem with share buybacks with debt can be readily observed - it really only works if rates are low and there is economic growth. When either or both of those changes then the numbers won't add...
Yes, it is fantasy land. So the Dow has intraday swings of 600 points = normal? Intraminute swings of 100 points = normal?
Do you know what the 'debt to equity' ratio's are for all these booming companies? How about the P/E's, especially considering that the E part has been fudged by buybacks...
It's quite simple - it will keep going while ever there is faith in the Ponzi. The fed has again folded and put back liquidity this week, hence the bubble reflation.
While ever the USD keeps going lower and ust10 keeps going higher then at some stage real soon the real correction will start. The...
Actually the GFC was the end of the financial world as it was. It's taken trillions in more debt by public and private entities to keep the Ponzi going, until this week.
You can't un ring the leveraged debt bust bell now that it's been rung.
The wheels can and will stop when the final implosion...
2 things - currently 10 years since the last recession, so they are pricing another 10 years of no recession to get their money back at current prices, plus any hint of recession the order books of airlines go into free fall, and orders evaporate, literally overnight. Like many other stocks in... 2.0 or Investing 101 2018 edition - make sure your backers have deep pockets? What's $4B a year among mates?
The Tesla, Uber business model, but the chart looks a lot like a few 'traditional' companies going vertical?
Oh dear, somebody is looking at the hard the tide going out? Ex the oil spike, deteriorating fundamentals, but tax cut's continue to get priced in even though fully priced in.
And.......the scam is exposed.......filtering through the global economy right about now?
The smoke & mirrors show of synchronised economic 'growth'?
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