Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Recent content by StockyGuy

  1. StockyGuy

    Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

    Maybe that space is for Kamala................. bwahahahaha :roflmao:
  2. StockyGuy

    UK Politics

    Hehehehe, MEGA - Make England Great Again.
  3. StockyGuy

    Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

    The three gents you mention each have their own motivations - I suspect Elon is more organically anti-woke; Bezos is a PURE profit driven type; and Zuckerberg seems the least sincere.
  4. StockyGuy

    Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

    Wonder how many fakers all over the place are gonna try to claim they supported Trump all along lol. I'd be like bruh, you trying to say you like Trump now? That's nothin'! On some level I'm still reveling in the utter primal scream of the West to survive that was the original Trump 2016 victory.
  5. StockyGuy

    The Harris Presidency

    Something about the way they talk makes my skin crawl. Reminds me of those nauseating ASMR type videos. Stomach churning stuff...
  6. StockyGuy

    Aboriginal Rock Art One of the Worlds Great Wonders

    I skim read the Wikipedia article. I give you credit for at least the mentioning the controversy around the origin of the Gwion Gwion rock paintings - the people depicted, and their attire, do not look Aboriginal. Combined with the fact such realistic depictions of the human form are otherwise...
  7. StockyGuy

    Two-way block

    I know ya said financial and not trading podcast, but it always makes me chuckle when people get too lovey-dovey, whether in a religious way or whatever, in the trading sphere. Trading success is fundamentally about taking money off weaker traders. AKA it's a zero-sum game. If everyone is a...
  8. StockyGuy

    Leaving Australia (again)

    Maybe the grads should aim to open a cafe that also has a little backroom that offers some basic GP services, like sometimes you see a tattoo parlour and a barber as part of the same hybrid business.
  9. StockyGuy

    Leaving Australia (again)

    I have been trying to imagine a society, nay a brewtopia, where every single adult is employed as a barista. Picture this... get off work after a hard day's work making coffees, then off to the local cafe to share stories about making coffee with your old barista brothers from that diner where...
  10. StockyGuy

    The United States of America

    Leftists like Gates and Soros have been bankrolling their weird ideas for decades. Musk is an absolute breath of breath of fresh air - now seeing him throw his weight behind more action on the festering wound of UK grooming gangs, I'm starting to like him more than Trump... which is rather hard.
  11. StockyGuy

    Anyone invested in fine wine before?

    Do I buy the dip? :P Some people will buy anything just because it's lowering in value lol.
  12. StockyGuy

    Anyone got a calculator for exchange rate effects on unhedged ETFs (or foreign stocks etc)?

    Very nice, thanks :) But yeah I was just wanting a nice little online calculator for easy plugging in of the variables for apes like me :P Just to help wargame out various scenarios, with different ETFS for long term holds over a decade or two. Our dollar versus USD could do anything over the...
  13. StockyGuy

    Anyone got a calculator for exchange rate effects on unhedged ETFs (or foreign stocks etc)?

    Thinking of grabbing some unhedged ETFs. So I'm looking for some online calculator that will let me quickly find what my holding will be worth in AUD if the ETF underlying held in USD goes up or down 10% (or whatever %) but the AUD goes up or down 5 cents (or whatever). I expect there's...
  14. StockyGuy

    Funny YouTube videos

  15. StockyGuy

    Sunday Sacred

    Maybe it's both.... maybe it's neither... maybe it's both AND neither.