Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Smurf1976's latest activity

  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to SirRumpole's post in the thread Los Angeles Fire storm with Like Like.
    That can happen if there is no rain. Anyway, I ts up to the experts in the US to decide if more can be done. We will see what Trump...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to sptrawler's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    It would be the safest bet IMO, Trump is pushing re industrialising the U.S, if they don't they will become what China was 50 years ago...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 replied to the thread Inflation.
    I suppose it could also be defined in terms of the number of assets held. Eg someone directly owns shares in 100 companies. That's a...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to Macquack's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    As the thread title is called "Infation", and inflation is really just all the numbers getting bigger, I am wondering what a "huge...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to over9k's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    Depends on your timeline obviously but when you consider the blowout jobs report the U.S just saw vs everyone else's, the americans have...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to sptrawler's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    This is the funny part IMO, the media say the falling dollar isn't a problem, because it isn't falling against other western currencies...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to basilio's post in the thread Los Angeles Fire storm with Like Like.
    Indeed there are. The first conversation is about long term climate changes which are largely driven by natural forces or extreme...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 replied to the thread Los Angeles Fire storm.
    There's essentially two separate issues there albeit with the same outcome.
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to basilio's post in the thread Los Angeles Fire storm with Like Like.
    John you are far too intelligent to spruik that line as an response to what has been happening to the climate in the past 40 years.
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to JohnDe's post in the thread Los Angeles Fire storm with Like Like.
    Two things there: my comment was "I did not read any of that in the article. It's more about how they got to this sad stage, such as...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to farmerge's post in the thread Los Angeles Fire storm with Like Like.
    Trump Jnr was quoted as saying Ukraine was to blame for the fires. Trump Snr quite happily pointing the finger at all and sundry for the...
  • Smurf1976
    For live updates of prices (and other details of stocks), does this help?
  • Smurf1976
    Whoops it’s Tuesday morning here and I completely forgot to enter however I will maintain my own progress against the accomplished...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to Dona Ferentes's post in the thread Tomorrow's trading on the ASX? with Like Like.
    spi looking negative .. , and ...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to IFocus's post in the thread American Politics with Like Like.
    Surprisingly its real the numbers have changed over the decades (used to be more even) to arrive at that survey which was over 8000...