Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Smurf1976's latest activity

  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to StockyGuy's post in the thread Two-way block with Like Like.
    I know ya said financial and not trading podcast, but it always makes me chuckle when people get too lovey-dovey, whether in a religious...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to mullokintyre's post in the thread Two-way block with Like Like.
    The reason everyone else (mostly) tolerates the stuff we call guff is because this forum depends on traffic for its existence. traffic...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to SirRumpole's post in the thread Education with Like Like.
    And what about things like medical equipment, industrial machinery, trucks, office aircons, aircraft .... The consequences of not being...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 replied to the thread Education.
    Having to throw an air-conditioner away because nobody can fix it is one thing. Just wait until the average person realises cars are...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to sptrawler's post in the thread Education with Like Like.
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread Saving is pointless with Like Like.
    depends on what you do with the surplus cash some options aren't as good as they look especially if facing capital gains tax ...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to tech/a's post in the thread Saving is pointless with Like Like.
    This is in my opinion conventional thinking. ZIRP Gave rise to opportunity that may never be seen again in a generation.
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to tech/a's post in the thread Saving is pointless with Like Like.
    By now I think most understand my statement. So how do we get ahead? My answer is to make surplus to your needs The bigger that surplus...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 replied to the thread Two-way block.
    As I see it, if something is in GC then it's easily ignorable by those uninterested in it. So long as it's not going down the track of...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to SirRumpole's post in the thread Two-way block with Like Like.
    I certainly see your point. Keep politics out of the trading threads, no argument there. "The future of electricity generation and...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 replied to the thread Two-way block.
    In the context of this forum I'm seeing it as more about keeping to the forum's primary purpose. Just because someone posts something...
  • Smurf1976
    In my last business we had a visit from a woman who was leaving town, she dropped in to say goodbye with her young kids in tow. The...
  • Smurf1976
    Australia crime gangs are probably outsized by the part time mum and dad groups. Or the kids earning cash on the side. There's a lot of...
  • Smurf1976
    ...and that may induce better parenting. However from a personal perspective, I do feel for even the best intentioned parents that...
  • Smurf1976
    Physics wins every time..... There are niche situations where it'll work but it has the same basic problem as most flammable liquids or...