Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Smurf1976's latest activity

  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread Coal mining stocks with Like Like.
    more a reflection of a major power consumer wanting to leave the arena ( NZ or the world market ) given the NZ power structure has...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 replied to the thread The Media.
    This is where it gets difficult and requires further analysis. If it's a factual story reporting what occurred or is proposed, who said...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to SirRumpole's post in the thread The Media with Like Like.
    Is this journalism or propaganda ?
  • Smurf1976
    Economics. The middle class. Manufacturing. Any politician who isn't grasping those, why they matter and why the public wants it fixed...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to DannyB0000's post in the thread US stock market with Like Like.
    "Stock prices have reached 'what looks like permanently high plateau" Irving Fisher, September 1929. The market collapsed 1 month...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 replied to the thread US stock market.
    To my understanding the sequence of events was: Globalisation topped out 1914. WW1 1914 - 18. Economic and stock market boom. The Dow...
  • Smurf1976
    This thread has unfortunately drifted off topic. Let's get back to discussing China in a geopolitical context. I would also urge...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to IFocus's post in the thread Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024 with Like Like.
    US politics is insane no matter how you frame it and I am no fan of the Democrats but I am surprised Trump is still seen as a disrupter...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to wayneL's post in the thread The Voice with Like Like.
    It's why the mainstream media is dying. We haven't watched a mainstream news or current affairs program for a very long time. It's all...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to sptrawler's post in the thread The Voice with Like Like.
    One thing I'm finding interesting is, we seem more concerned about U.S politics, than the average american. I'm on a cruise ship which...
  • Smurf1976
    The AUS /US free trade agreement came into force in 2005 So how effective has it been? We import twice as much value in goods from the...
  • Smurf1976
    Like I said time will tell. I personally think that Australia is between a rock and a hard place, Trump going into a isolationary stance...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 replied to the thread Coal mining stocks.
    That's a bit like saying someone's trying to die. Being forced to close due to lack of energy supply is a very different thing from...
  • Smurf1976
    The background of the writer of the above attack piece sums up what's wrong with the attack on renewables. Dr Rocco Loiacono is a...
  • Smurf1976
    Smurf1976 reacted to mullokintyre's post in the thread Coal mining stocks with Like Like.
    Despite global efforts to decarbonise, it seems that the worlds insatiable appetite for coal just keeps going. After a few small...