Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Sdajii's latest activity

  • Sdajii
    while i am not terribly likely win second prize , i admire the spirit displayed another excellent example by @UMike
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to mullokintyre's post in the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading? with Like Like.
    Gold in AUD has once again hit an ATH. Australian producers should be bringing in some serious cash. One of their biggest costs...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to tech/a's post in the thread Saving is pointless with Like Like.
    By now I think most understand my statement. So how do we get ahead? My answer is to make surplus to your needs The bigger that surplus...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Two-way block.
    It seems bizarre that so many people seem to be so concerned about their inability to avoid clicking on threads they don't want to read...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Two-way block.
    Good thing you're spending your time telling other people what to do rather than focussing on making a buck for yourself. Very...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Two-way block.
    I tell you what isn't the solution: a two way block where people can't even see each others' ideas, let alone discuss them at all! Do...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to Knobby22's post in the thread Two-way block with Like Like.
    Your third point in particular is the nub of the matter. Tribalism. Humans are naturally drawn to this and social media enforces it...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading?.
    Haha, you're right about everyone man, his dog, and his dog's fleas being keen to buy on a retrace, which is perhaps going to limit and...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to Garpal Gumnut's post in the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading? with Like Like.
    Fair call. It so far has not been too risky for me with PMGOLD as I've ridden the Gold price and any misteps on buys have been assisted...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading?.
    The train is stopping and reversing and faffing about (or the ship is bobbing around in the changing currents or whatever metaphor...
    • GOld chart.jpg
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading?.
    Call me faint-hearted if you wish, but I'm still sitting quietly, watching serenely from the sidelines. Whether it crashes and I...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to DannyB0000's post in the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading? with Like Like.
    I highly doubt it, they are always firing missiles into the sea. What's new with that country.
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to Captain_Chaza's post in the thread Two-way block with Like Like.
    Thanks Barney Seems Like I need a Bigger Bucket In the Brilliant series : "The Godfather of Harlem" in the 1960s they referred to "...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to mullokintyre's post in the thread Two-way block with Like Like.
    is there a post #367? I cannot see it. Dos it mean I have been blocked by the person who wrote it? Does the blocker not know about the...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to Garpal Gumnut's post in the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading? with Like Like.
    The November Trump pullback is in the rear view mirror and gold has been toying with $2580 - $2720 since. Those of us hoping for a...