Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Sdajii's latest activity

  • Sdajii
    It has been an amazing month. I must remember next August 1 to get a list of all dog stocks < $0.10, take five darts and put a grand...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread August 2024 Stock Competition Entries! with Haha Haha.
    WHOOPS ! forgot to wave to @Faramir as i went by am waving now ( was too busy trying to pay for the TAH i bought today ) good...
  • Sdajii
    How's whatever wake you're in now going for you, GG? Quite a ride I've had this month. Straight to first place, then slipped on the...
    • not sure which wake gg is in now but its not mine.jpg
  • Sdajii
    Poor ole @finicky must be sweating at the moment trying to catch @access who seems well placed ahead of us all. @Dona Ferentes is still...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading?.
    When the guy shining your shoes gives you a tip on a particular stock, yep, it's time to sell, but when it comes to something as large...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to greggles's post in the thread Silver with Like Like.
    It seems to me as though European markets are looking to the US market for direction. The move over US$30 this afternoon was good to see...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to qldfrog's post in the thread Silver with Like Like.
    A clue In French, as Dona knows, silver is "argent" And "argent" is used synonymously for "money" Says it all
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Silver.
    Silver isn't an essential metal for any broad battery type, but it's an absolutely brilliant metal for batteries due to several of its...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Silver.
    It's not just French. In the two last countries I was in (Thailand and Laos), the word for silver is synonymous with money, and the...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading?.
    No one other than a few Australians looks at gold in AUD, so any patterns which show up are largely coincidental and not likely to have...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii reacted to Sean K's post in the thread Silver price discussion and analysis with Like Like.
    Gold is a funny rock. You dig it up and put it on your neck, or dig a hole and put it back in the ground for safe keeping. Silver seems...
  • Sdajii
    Lots of volatility lately for silver, and I doubt it's going to stop any time soon. It generally follows gold's pattern with different...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading?.
    Great action. This breaks the resistance line and more decisively breaks above the $2,500 natural resistance level. Hopefully this can...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading?.
    What point are you trying to make? Do you advocate giving up and stop striving to do the best we can? We can do our best and maximise...
  • Sdajii
    Sdajii replied to the thread Gold Price - Where is it heading?.
    Of course we all make mistakes, some we realise at some stage, some we don't. That's no reason to avoid making as few as possible and...