Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

qldfrog's latest activity

  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to frugal.rock's post in the thread PLS - Pilbara Minerals with Like Like.
    I never knew that it was a dividend payer. Dividend payers are catching my attention lately. Must be getting old.
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to farmerge's post in the thread PLS - Pilbara Minerals with Like Like.
    PLS No 4 pick in the yearly Competition. An old favourite that I have toyed with many times and thought that it would be a good fit for...
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to frugal.rock's post in the thread FMG - Fortescue Ltd with Haha Haha.
    What was the link? I like it when people explain it to me like I'm 5 years old. 😉
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to TimeISmoney's post in the thread FMG - Fortescue Ltd with Like Like.
    It's a cesspit of scum, all those Hollywood actors suing each other, you can't tell me that the primary focus isn't easy money.
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to farmerge's post in the thread FMG - Fortescue Ltd with Like Like.
    litigation in the good ol' US of A. Where millionaire lawyers become billionaires.
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog replied to the thread FMG - Fortescue Ltd.
    It is ok, a few hours later it was in all fmg related streams
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to farmerge's post in the thread FMG - Fortescue Ltd with Like Like.
    For the Yearly Comp FMG is my no 1 pick. At this time of January. it has slipped back a bit since the start of the month, but not to...
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to farmerge's post in the thread WES - Wesfarmers Limited with Like Like.
    WES No 2 pick for the yearly Comp. The SP has improved slightly since the start of the month. A top performing company with a good...
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread WBC - Westpac Banking Corporation with Like Like.
    famous last words in WBC , one reason i ( clumsily ) tried to exit the main issue with the big 4 banks is they have no...
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to farmerge's post in the thread WBC - Westpac Banking Corporation with Like Like.
    WBC No 3 pick for the yearly Comp Must have one of the thieving banks in any Competition or portfolio. The SP has improved a little...
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to over9k's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    Precisely. Powell quits or he sees his term out, trump can't boot him until his tenure is up.
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    as i understand it ( and i could be wrong ) Powell cannot be sacked early , unless some major misconduct is proven , BUT Trump can...
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    Europe seems to have lost their mind already , Trump is just helping it to stay lost ( easier to push deals through )
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to farmerge's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    @moXJO No doubt some well paid dreamer to send off good vibes.
  • qldfrog
    qldfrog reacted to moXJO's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    I'm seeing bigger economic pain on the street. Problem is the governments migration and spending. We may see a pause until after the...