Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Recent content by imajica

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    Laptop Sale!

    Re: EOFY Laptop Sale always have good bargains on laptops. Always get mine there
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    2001: A Space Odyssey - What's it trying to say?

    the monolith featured at various moments in the film I believe to be a metaphor for 'truth' itself. It is the symbol for something obscure that is just out of reach of human comprehension (whether that may be the primitive or the technologically advanced mind) and yet forms the basis for all...
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    3.8 Million Toyota Prius cars recalled

    I believe the prius was recalled for the following reasons; it looks like sh#t it takes an eternity to reach 100km/h it is driven by tools it has a typical jap car interior, uninspiring and uncomfortable, no sense if style is overpriced Aston Martin will be soon bringing...
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    Favourite Stocks for 2010

    Many analysts are tippping thermal coal to be bulllish this year. This is why I have chosen JAL (Jameson Resources) as my pick for 2010 reasons: - current JORC high quality resource 124 mt (currently being expanded) - in existing Canadian coal province - most infrastructure...
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    JAL - Jameson Resources

    analysis (from another site) of financial projections for Jameson Resources Canada coal project. The expanded mine case BFS is due out Q1 this year. I guess JAL had some revised estimates they wanted incorporated in the draft BFS and had Norwest ammend to their liking, They have estimated...
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    Are wine buffs wankers?

    at my Australia day party we had: James Boag Pure Fontys pool pinot noir Cambrian Rock heathcote shiraz
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    MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

    A perfect Circle - awesome band
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    Shares That Made You $1 Million - Fin. Review

    a share that could possibly fall into this category is CoalSpur(CPL) Coal explorer in Canada close to infrastructure have already a JORC resource of 470 million tonnes of high grade thermal coal additional leases (around 150km²) have been granted with feasability studies already...
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    CPL - Coalspur Mines

    Hey Ijh, nice find on this emerging coal producer! with the addition of their new coal leases. they now have nearly 25,000 hectares (250km²) of leases in a proven coal region. As Lucky_Country has stated, they have almost half a billion tonnes JORC'd already. The newly acquired leases have...
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    ANX - Anax Metals

    I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one with Aurora shares on ASF. today, shares jumped 9 cents to $1.01 (10% increase) solid, sustained buying with barelly any profit taking, technicallly it looks very bullish with many people anticipating the impending drilling of their huge...
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    What is the World's Best Invention?

    the concorde, well before it was scrapped! an amazing machine, luxury supersonic travel, gave regular folk a glimpse of space.
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    ANX - Anax Metals

    a very insightful and well researched post from another poster on another forum site: post by aksier Aurora Minerals (ARM): With such a large zone of high grade surface manganese, Aurora Minerals could well be the outstanding resource stock of 2010. They will commence drilling during...
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    MEL - Metgasco Limited

    major interest in Mel's gas discovery
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    Vegetable garden

    what varieties of chilli are you growing roland? at the moment I've got these growing (although no fruit yet) Jalapeno Bhut Jolokia Hot Lemon Cayenne Numex Twilight
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    Creepy Ghost videos!

    here is a video that seems more convincing than others! shadow ghost - please add your favourites to the thread!