Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

dyna's latest activity

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    dyna replied to the thread DRO - DroneShield Limited.
    Ah ! That's what done it , then . Mums and Dads , see . Bless 'em all !
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    dyna replied to the thread A4N - Alpha HPA.
    Macquarie has bailed out of A4N . Completely . ( Think I've got it right , this time ) After buying 20 million from October to December...
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    dyna replied to the thread DRO - DroneShield Limited.
    Surprised to see Vanguard having a punt , here . Became substantial by 20th Dec , with 5 .5 % and 47.7 million DRO shares . So they may...
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    dyna replied to the thread PDN - Paladin Energy.
    State Street's been bottom fishing for Santa Claus . Now holding 37 million PDN shares ( 12 % ) as at Xmas eve . Still sideways on...
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    dyna replied to the thread MSB - Mesoblast Limited.
    Here's another biggie . State Street's announcement this morning . On Xmas eve they crept up to a 5 % holding with almost 60 million of...
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    dyna replied to the thread WDS - Woodside Energy Group.
    Looks like some Insto has decided to not wait for the stampede if Woodside dips below the $ 20 line ...
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    dyna replied to the thread PDN - Paladin Energy.
    The deed is done . S.P. steady at $ 7.86 .
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    dyna replied to the thread MSB - Mesoblast Limited.
    Mea Culpa . J. P. 's back , apparently ! Some pr*ck couldn't read the tiny print in that long list J.P. Morgen sent out on the 13 th...
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    dyna replied to the thread MSB - Mesoblast Limited.
    MSB holding up well today , both price-wise ( up 8 % to $ 2.63 with 2 hours trading to go ) and surprise , surprise ( ! ) volume , too...
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    dyna replied to the thread IGO - IGO Limited.
    S.P. still in the doldrums ( $ 4.82 ) and likely to stay that way for who knows how long , but a bit of good news out today following...
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    What's this doing here , Skip ? Are you on the Kraken , already ? Can't it wait until Christmas ! Darlene Love ! Ah , that's nice .
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    dyna replied to the thread ACE - Acusensus Limited.
    ACE . This is a strange beast , a bull for sure with the S.P. up a bit to $ 1.14 on a terrible day for markets , but on only about a...
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    dyna replied to the thread Dump it Here.
    Yeah , stay invested and yet , have plenty of cash at hand . That's what the Buffetts of this world , basically do . Can you imagine...
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    dyna replied to the thread WDS - Woodside Energy Group.
    Woodside will pick up maybe $ 400 Million cash from Chevron in this asset swap .
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    dyna replied to the thread DYL - Deep Yellow.
    At least John Borschoff 's got skin in the game , still . In fact a bit more through DYL's no doubt , very generous company Loan Share...