This entity has a very high management fee (3%+) and a very low bar for performance fees (18% of any increase in NAV). I'd price this at a discount with that fee regime!
Is there a reason you quoted my post from 7 years ago? I am trying to understand the relevance to today, I may have missed the connection. Also I'm not sure I intended to convey the cleansing notice from 7 years ago caused investors to sell.
Hi Ann
Just so you know FGX used a shell company that was previously listed on the ASX. See below for the details:
The Companyʼs history The Company was originally formed under the name the Australian Privatisation Fund Limited. On 13 November 1996 it changed its name to Australia...
Nicely done nulla. I was also so close to buying it the day it fell to $4 but chickened out. Well done for following your discipline and judgement - great return!
So... my take on this is:
1. SYD has always said that for it to participate, a large interest free loan would be required from government. Indeed discussions over a number of years has always envisaged this but that assumption had only been dropped by government recently. This made it an NPV...
I noticed this as well Sir Burr. I think they must be getting the direct feeds that they need to automate their year end processes with CBA. Given their preferred broking arrangement is with Commsec, it probably makes sense that they consolidate the main hub bank account with the same...
Great discussion guys. Having analysed capital intensive businesses a fair bit, I have to agree with Value Collector here on the debt being a permanent part of the capital structure. The key question is whether the 70% debt / assets ratio is too high - it's a tad high for my liking but APA has a...
AFI broadly speaking tracks the market right? The ASX 200 is down 8% since Dec 2015, so its NTA should fall by roughly the same amount if marked to market today, so ~$5.20. So selling at $5.50 is pretty rational behaviour when you look at it that way...
...on the other hand the lowest ask is...
You are spot on Ferret - that is exactly what I normally do. I may be without internet access for a period during the retail offer so wanted to lock the entitlements in now. Given it is a 1/23 offer, the amount of capital we are talking (for my holdings) is pretty limited so I am not too worried...
The WBC entitlement offer website says that the online acceptance form will be available today. When I go to the site, there is no such thing available. Anyone else having this issue?
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