Just for those that think this is not bad, not like the flu etc, a few simple numbers....
Australia has just 2000 ICU beds. Serious cases of Coronavirus are running at about 15% with 5% critical. You would need one of those beds if serious, and probably intubated and ventilated if critical...
A lot of people everywhere do not seem to understand what is going on with Coronavirus, as it is a true Black Swan that has hit a complacent world.
We could defeat it, and everything would go back to semi normal, with a recession the result of the damage already caused. That seems to be the...
Perchance I was in the emergency ward, not by choice, a day (could have been 2) after the first Swine Flu case in Australia died. I was also in the hospital where this person had been officially diagnosed a few days earlier, he was then transferred.
There was pretty much blind panic going on in...
This is setting itself up beautifully for the annual report this week on a TA basis. If the price holds and the profit and future forecast for q1 are as positive as they should be, then this is set to possibly gap up beyond that $2.50 region, which would make jumping on board after the report...
Hi Austrader, sorry to take so long to get back to you, it doesn't matter in this case as the price slowly goes down.
A capitulative bottom for me is when there has been massive decline in SP over a relatively short time period, on increasing volume that leads to a gap down (often on bad news...
LOL Is that an assumption you make or a self delusion. Ho do you define a 'blue chip stock'?
You do realise that of the Dow30 stocks on 1/1/1900, not one of them exists today. The only Dow30 stock that existed in the 19th century that still exists is GE. As a blue chip, and in the year 2000 it...
Do you understand how shorting works??
You borrow stock.
You sell the stock.
The money gets put I to your account minus margin.
The stock drops a lot.
The govt bans sorting in your scenario.
You buy the stock back and return the stock to whoever lent it to you.
How do you not get paid??
When I first read your post and decided to kill a few brain cells by watching your video, the first thoughts I had were more rubbish from someone that can't distinguish between their own genius and a bull market. That is what your 'easy money' section really is, total BS IMNSHO.
However I kept...
Let's go back 30 years and you took this attitude of leverage being good for your investment, and you bought yourself an apartment in Tokyo, how well do you think you would have done? The correct answer is that you would probably still have a poor investment that had cost you money, especially...
I'm another very happy to see you contributing again craft.
One part on valuations that can be seen from the long term (140 years!!) chart that Net put up in 2017.
Have a good look at that chart before making any long term predictions. Only once in the 140 year period, from ~1888- 1904 did...
Sometimes nothing will work in your favour on an investment. For example that stock that my stop was hit 3 times on the exact bottom of the move, on another occasion, same stock, I missed the buy by 1 tick. I was the next in the queue when the stock went into a trading halt during the middle of...
I have sold at the absolute bottom on quite a few occasions, only to see the stock turn around and go higher.
However on many more occasions I have watched the price go much lower.
I always have an 'uncle' point on my stocks when I enter.
A couple of years ago I sold the exact bottom of the...
I started to watch this a while back when there was a fair bit of director buying but there is no reason to buy yet.
With both tin and copper down heavily I would expect this to make new multi year lows in the coming days.
It almost seems that whatever can go wrong here has gone wrong.
There you have it, I was for quite a few years a climate sceptic, I never denied it, I always looked for more evidence.
These days I find there is more than enough conclusive evidence for man's impact on the climate, but remain very sceptical about whether we can do anything about it.
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