Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Recent content by brerwallabi

  1. brerwallabi

    EMR - Emerald Resources

    The gold company that can do no wrong, well at the moment. Emerald sure is having a golden run. The latest announcement increases reserves by 245koz “The Okvau Gold Mine resource and reserve update continues to support the Company’s view that resources will be replenished on an ongoing basis...
  2. brerwallabi

    2025 Full Year Stock Tipping Competiton

    Will sit the comp out and watch with interest, good luck all.
  3. brerwallabi

    2025 Full Year Stock Tipping Competiton

    Whoops it’s Tuesday morning here and I completely forgot to enter however I will maintain my own progress against the accomplished expert share pickers. My entry’s would have been EMR PDN LOT OBM The first three were in last year’s picks. Good luck to all
  4. brerwallabi

    EMR - Emerald Resources

    Record quarterly production from the Cambodian mine Emerald Resources NL (ASX: EMR) is pleased to announce record quarterly production, which has exceeded gold production guidance at the 100% owned Okvau Gold Mine in Cambodia (Okvau) with 31,888 ounces of gold produced during the Quarter...
  5. brerwallabi

    EMR - Emerald Resources

    Maiden Dingo Range Gold Project Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate of 28.0Mt @ 1.13g/t Au for 1,010Koz; Maiden resource includes the Boundary to Bungarra trend and Freeman’s Find Prospects which is constrained only by the drilling completed and remains open at depth and...
  6. brerwallabi

    CY2024 XAO Prediction competition

    Congratulations @Logique2 Kudos to you, I will now seek therapy as the bottle of wine I selected also failed as it tasted severely diluted with water with a cigarette butt aroma
  7. brerwallabi

    MNB - Minbos Resources

    Almost dog of the year in my books but Rumble resources got it in my books. Minbos awaiting confirmation of loan to complete construction of phosphate plant, hopefully they complete some offtake agreeements in the month to met the criteria of the loan.
  8. brerwallabi

    January 2025 Stock Tipping Competition Entry Thread!

    Better get in before I forget and write something before I get on the plane. MNB please Joe.
  9. brerwallabi

    PDN - Paladin Energy

    Appreciate your reminder that PDN is down 20% this year, I continue to hold. I thought this year would be a very good year for uranium stocks, it started off so well then half way through the year a lot of uranium stocks fell over as the spot price declined With a triple digit price certainly on...
  10. brerwallabi

    LOT - Lotus Resources

    Well it finally arrived an upgraded MRE for the Letlhakane project in Botswana. The indicated resources sees an increase of 65% after infill drilling of 164 holes for just over 12000 metres. The drilling has also identified further Mineral Resource growth which will be assessed in the next...
  11. brerwallabi

    GOR - Gold Road Resources

    I am out today too I have held this for while through it’s many ups and downs. I think there are a couple of interesting gold stocks around I will look again at OBM which has dropped back and looks a buy again. Thank you GOR I might look at you again at $1.70.
  12. brerwallabi

    December 2024 Stock Competition Entries!

    Gggggrrrrrr I forgot to put a tip in I was going to stick with MNB again for December, the same reason as before I was expecting they were receiving funding in November with construction of their plant commencing. Funding announced to day and they are up 12% this morning.
  13. brerwallabi

    GOR - Gold Road Resources

    Another stock I have to write something on and again nothing significant happening in it. GOR does its usual 15 to 20% crash again over a few days and slowly recovers back up, hit a low of $1.70 in the month after making $2.00 at the start of November finished today at $1.865. Need to have a lot...
  14. brerwallabi

    LOT - Lotus Resources

    I have been waiting and waiting and now it’s the last day for the yearly comp to post on your nominated stocks I was hoping to write about an upgraded MRE which Lotus said would be announced this month however it seems not to be.
  15. brerwallabi

    EMR - Emerald Resources

    Not much news from Emerald this month, updated resource for a second mine in Cambodia is expected before year end. There has been a bit of talk of the big boys buying out Emerald. I hope not as there is I think further potential in the existing mine Okvau with plans to extend the resource there...