Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ajw01's latest activity

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    ajw01 reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    i got as far as the reduced divs. and moved on there are better opportunities elsewhere , BHP is my 5th largest holding ( by $value...
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    ajw01 reacted to TimeISmoney's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    It's hard to tell because IO price is so cyclic, I think the big bad Trump deal is starting to wear off and people are coming to grips...
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    ajw01 replied to the thread BHP - BHP Group.
    My Opinion Only - Better reaction by the Stock Market than I anticipated :) is this the bottom as Iron Ore has firmed to be trading...
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    ajw01 reacted to qldfrog's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    Agree, people also tend to forget checking purchased reserves vs extracted for big miner. The figures often quoted are the official...
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    ajw01 reacted to Dona Ferentes's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    This is the lowest interim dividend in eight years and the bare minimum allowed under its shareholder returns policy. It is the lowest...
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    ajw01 reacted to Dona Ferentes's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    thinking along those lines ... but at what entry point.? Maybe in the $37's,
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    ajw01 reacted to Garpal Gumnut's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    I'm keen to add BHP but after this report I'll wait until the Trump effect washes over, possibly the end of either this a/ financial b/...
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    ajw01 reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    well it is the punter's money i can only make decisions for myself
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    ajw01 reacted to Dona Ferentes's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    the company will need to spend a lot on on Chile copper assets, to overcome declining grades. Olympic Dam getting money too ...
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    ajw01 reacted to qldfrog's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    A bit like CBA, whatever happens, people still buy. At least cba goes up and does not the house silver for dividends..
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    ajw01 reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    Name of Company: BHP Group Limited (ABN 49 004 028 077) Report for the half year ended 31 December 2024 This statement includes the...
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    ajw01 reacted to qldfrog's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    The people left on the quay might not be unhappy today...
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    ajw01 reacted to Dona Ferentes's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    BHP reported a half-year underlying profit of $5.08 billion, well below consensus estimates for $5.4 billion. It lowered the interim...
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    ajw01 reacted to TimeISmoney's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around.
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    ajw01 reacted to qldfrog's post in the thread BHP - BHP Group with Like Like.
    You can have a relief that he was not a public figure woman known for her positive inclusive PR job at a media company, preferably in...