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    • PZ99
      PZ99 replied to the thread Australian Politics General....
      hehe... the media were quick to try and make the Resolve Strategic poll of 55/45 for the Libs a self fulfilled prophecy but when Roy...
    • PZ99
      PZ99 reacted to IFocus's post in the thread Trump 2.0 with Like Like.
      Draining the swamp?
    • PZ99
      PZ99 reacted to moXJO's post in the thread Israel - Palestine with Like Like.
      Not importing people from places that hate the west is probably a sensible choice.
    • PZ99
      PZ99 replied to the thread Israel - Palestine.
      Peter Dutton says “There needs to be a proper process in place to understand how this individual became an Australian citizen and where...
    • PZ99
      PZ99 replied to the thread Israel - Palestine.
      This interview covers it...
    • PZ99
      PZ99 replied to the thread Israel - Palestine.
      I'd label as terrorism myself... It was pretty full on
    • PZ99
      PZ99 reacted to IFocus's post in the thread Trump 2.0 with Like Like.
      If the tariffs stand against Australian exports to the US then an Australian patriots law should be passed that all Australian Trump...
    • PZ99
      PZ99 reacted to SirRumpole's post in the thread The Albanese government with Like Like.
      The Opposition are shambolic in a number of ways. I don't know what they expected to achieve by this ridiculous motion.
    • PZ99
      PZ99 replied to the thread The Albanese government.
      Meanwhile Dutton had to open his big mouth on it. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said he wanted to send a "very clear message to the...
    • PZ99
      Not the first time I've posted this song, but here's a professionally filmed live version:
    • PZ99
    • PZ99
      PZ99 replied to the thread The Albanese government.
      This is extraordinary. The Coalition have completely gone back on their own beliefs on this...
    • PZ99
      PZ99 reacted to moXJO's post in the thread Trump 2.0 with Like Like.
      So long as Dutton doesn't win I'm happy with this. Australia's strategic shift away from the US isn't a bad thing. If Dutton wins he...
    • PZ99
      PZ99 replied to the thread Trump 2.0.
      He faked that injury too I read somewhere...
    • PZ99
      PZ99 reacted to IFocus's post in the thread Trump 2.0 with Like Like.
      Bend over here it comes, thanks Trump cult, after bleeding and dying along side in support of US troops on just about every battle field...
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