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      orr replied to the thread Australian Politics General....
      One of how many? As Paul Fletcher who sat on his own balls in a couple of interviews last week, always good for laugh under the big...
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      orr replied to the thread The Albanese government.
      Weak as pizz on Gambling Advertising reform.... Housing a 'little' more difficult, due to the inherent greed of humans (except of course...
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      orr replied to the thread Autonomous Driving EVs.
      Version 13 .... Point to point in 'Frisco' 15 minutes. Waymo ... Same point to point 45 minutes. Does more need to said about the...
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      The turkey's who voted for Xmas. It certainly gives the impression of the rapturous and euphoric 'setting up camp' stage in the wilds...
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      orr replied to the thread Alan Jones has no shame.
      Talking of books Peez ... Xmas is coming and what better than to find under the tree, a parcel with a card from Santa with your name...
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      orr replied to the thread Electric cars?.
      I subscribe to Redwood... The link I posted has only been up for 5hrs. It maybe the case that 'BenchMark Week Fireside 2024, Redwood...
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      orr replied to the thread Alan Jones has no shame.
      Imagine an outcome at the end of this process where Jones goes off to an institution chock'a'block full of buff young blokes, with time...
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      orr replied to the thread Electric cars?.
      Plenty of cross reference to EV 's ; Some people here may know of J B Straubel? The following is a post US election sit down with one...
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      orr replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      Hippo ---POT- am- US ..... wake up sheeple... Nows the time to sign-up to the (Alex Jones founded) INFO-WARS. soon to back up...
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      orr replied to the thread Israel - Palestine.
      What a grotesque abomination that the rabid commercialisation of the nativity should have to succumb to this.... To be known from this...
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      orr replied to the thread Islam: Is it inherently Evil?.
      Wayno' ... Darling your schizophrenic 'skirts' are showing; my armband is in the mail whilst being an out and proud Commo... all in...
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      orr replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      I've seen the evidence (all now deleted by the 'DeepState') ... Pablo Escobars hippo's were in control of the Voting machines... it all...
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      orr replied to the thread Islam: Is it inherently Evil?.
      Here's the the framing of the putrid, they were in the Stands, from 'the Times of Israel.'...
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      orr replied to the thread Islam: Is it inherently Evil?.
      from about 4:30min mark.... get your 'X men' on it to pull it to pieces. They seem ever ready to go off half cocked on all sorts of...
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      orr replied to the thread Islam: Is it inherently Evil?.
      If only I could of been in the stands in Amsterdam to hear the chant from the Israel's .... 'There's no schools in Gaza 'coz' we've...
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