Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Slippery Pete

How do you know whether they were asked?
"7.30" and all the ABC Radio current affairs programs have covered the matter in detail today. If they ever approach someone for an interview and are declined, they say so.
There has been no such statement.
Maybe stop drawing inappropriate conclusions.:(

That liar Mal Brough was asked to go on 7:30 report and didn't have the balls.
That liar Mal Brough was asked to go on 7:30 report and didn't have the balls.

OK Banco it's time for you to put up or shut up.

Mr Hockey said Mr Brough was “absolutely” in the clear, and would stand for the Liberal National Party in parliament. The people of Fisher would decide whether Mr Brough, or Mr Slipper, should represent them.

As a Labor Slipper supporter who do you back to win?

He's a liar and a dumbass who is on the run from the media:

THE former Howard government minister Mal Brough appears to have changed his story about what he knew of claims of sexual harassment and misuse of travel entitlements by Peter Slipper.

Mr Brough confirmed yesterday he had met the former aide James Ashby three times and had sought legal advice on his behalf in relation to his claims against his then boss, Mr Slipper.

However, Mr Brough was quoted last weekend as saying any suggestion he had known of Mr Ashby's legal action before it was launched was ''nonsense''

Read more:
The whole case!! It was a fabrication and abuse of justice.
I wouldn't disagree that it was politically motivated, but don't know how you can say it was all a fabrication.
The emails were there for all to see and in the minds of most people would constitute sexual harassment.
He's a liar and a dumbass who is on the run from the media:

Slipper on the other hand is a serial liar and a disgrace to his family and to his electortate. He is on the run from everybody. The only place where he can get solace is with the Oxford Street night life with his own kind, courtesy of Cabcharge.
Slipper on the other hand is a serial liar and a disgrace to his family and to his electortate. He is on the run from everybody. The only place where he can get solace is with the Oxford Street night life with his own kind, courtesy of Cabcharge.

I'm no defender of Slipper but I see you've given up trying to claim that Brough isn't a liar.

Labor's wisely decided to limit itself to token background noises.

Infrastructure minister Anthony Albanese says now is not the time to discuss Mr Slipper's political future, noting that Labor MP Anna Burke is in the Speaker role.

"Mr Slipper is playing a role as a member of parliament and Ms Burke is the speaker," he told reporters in Sydney.

A wise choice by Labor. Not even they are foolish enough to make the same mistake twice on this, although, I do wonder whether the question was put to messers Oakshott and Windsor beforehand.
Julia Gillard's judgment and authority are again under attack from within her government after independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott took the initiative in forcing Peter Slipper to resign, leaving Labor as the Speaker's last defender.
from "The Australian" 11 October 2012

At the time Mr Oakeshott puffed up his chest with pride at his role in forcing Mr Slipper's resignation.
Now he is saying there was no case to answer.

Wow, Mr Oakeshott, great moral consistency there.
I wouldn't disagree that it was politically motivated, but don't know how you can say it was all a fabrication.
The emails were there for all to see and in the minds of most people would constitute sexual harassment.

I find myself quoting Maxwell Smart "Would you beilieve...".
I'll ask the question again.

It was those lurid (sorry, offensive) texts to James Ashby about female genitalia that brought him down as speaker in the end, was it not ?

Nice dodge

How did they become public?

What did the judge say again about abuse of process?
Peter Slipper could not contain his desire for extravagance. This combined with a poor sense of moral judgement, both privately and with the public purse was his undoing.

He was never fit for public office.

Then why did the Liberals nominate him 8 times for pre-selection?
Slipper on the other hand is a serial liar and a disgrace to his family and to his electortate. He is on the run from everybody. The only place where he can get solace is with the Oxford Street night life with his own kind, courtesy of Cabcharge.

No he is not Abbott went to his wedding all good.
I find myself quoting Maxwell Smart "Would you beilieve...".
Knobby, you're usually responsible and objective with your remarks. So the rather silly quote above seems to me disappointing, surprising, and irrelevant. I'm sure you can do better. Maybe just concede that there wasn't actually anything 'made up'.
Knobby, you're usually responsible and objective with your remarks. So the rather silly quote above seems to me disappointing, surprising, and irrelevant. I'm sure you can do better. Maybe just concede that there wasn't actually anything 'made up'.

Why don't you try being objective and read the judgement rather than personalizing