Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

China, Pollution & the Apocalypse


9 July 2004
While we merrily dig up and sell expensive dirt to China. Mother earth suffers. :(

Lets keep an eye on the problem here.

A Global Problem: China's Pollution

YINCHAUN, China, March 31, 2000

China's far-reaching dust and soot cloud traveling to the West Coast hits Hawaii first, and that may be why temperatures in Hawaii are rising.

(CBS) In this CBS News World WeatherWatch report Correspondent Barry Petersen tells us why when China smokes, you might get a cough.
You don't have to tell me! We've been shut down by one chem spill and nearly had it happen again two weeks ago. I must say though, Harbin has been quite clear this summer, but once the coal furnaces start up its choke, choke choke!
wayneL said:
While we merrily dig up and sell expensive dirt to China. Mother earth suffers. :(

Lets keep an eye on the problem here.

The solution is not easy.....every hoomun would have to DISCONNECT themselves from INDUSTRIALLY related products.If you`re born into it, then you grow up accepting it.

Nobody is going to stop the wheel turning...cold fact.
Lucky said:

wouldn't worry too much about the pollution in china getting us, it ends in the next 24 hours according this bloke in Texas :eek: , nuclear holocaust or something along those lines and 4/5 of the worlds population will be gone in the next 13 months. Don't say I didn't warn you ;)

That'd put a dent in the real estate/commodity/credit bubble then.

I'm going long on potassium iodide! :cool:
wayneL said:
China's far-reaching dust and soot cloud traveling to the West Coast hits Hawaii first
It's not just China.

A lot of Australia's top soil ends up in New Zealand after a decent blow.

I've said it before...

There's no point whatsoever in Australia cutting greenhouse gas emissions when the annual increase in emissions from China is greater than Australia's total emissions. And of course if we did cut emissions then industry simply relocates...

Personally, I'm in favour of protecting the environment. But it just isn't going to happen so we have only one option - adapt to the consequences. Sad but I just can't see it changing.

The coal industry responded to the announcement that Russia would ratify Kyoto by announcing expansion plans. The logic being simple - the West limiting emissions would transfer industry to China etc thus increasing their economic growth and energy use. The end result being that the increased growth in China due to efforts to cut emissions in the West would more than offset those cuts. That is, Western emissions would fall slightly but global emissions would increase as a direct result. Sad but watching where the money is going reveals the true story...

Time to plan for more droughts, rising sea levels etc. :( :2twocents
wayneL said:
I am so glad we never had children :(

Sad when you think of it that way Wayne.

Its apt the you used Apocalypse in the title being a horseman yourself.
As the Apocalypse refers to the four horsemen who bring War, Famine, Pestilence, & death on coloured horses of white, red, black, pale.

The white horse is ridden by the antichrist , not sure who are on the others :confused:

Bobby said:
Sad when you think of it that way Wayne.

Its apt the you used Apocalypse in the title being a horseman yourself.
As the Apocalypse refers to the four horsemen who bring War, Famine, Pestilence, & death on coloured horses of white, red, black, pale.

The white horse is ridden by the antichrist , not sure who are on the others :confused:


I don't know either Bob, but one presumes they're not in a friendly mood :eek:

I remember a conversation wife and I had with a couple a few years ago.

We were standing around chatting... me & wife, the other couple and there two young daughters (14 & 17 at the time)

...actually, we were lecturing them about their use of CFC containing aerosols :rolleyes: The father said - "I don't care, I won't be around." This, right in front of the two children.

It was then we decided not to have any.
Bobby said:
Sad when you think of it that way Wayne.

Its apt the you used Apocalypse in the title being a horseman yourself.
As the Apocalypse refers to the four horsemen who bring War, Famine, Pestilence, & death on coloured horses of white, red, black, pale.

The white horse is ridden by the antichrist , not sure who are on the others :confused:


I think Roy the cowboy was one of the riders and Gary was the other. Not sure of the forth.
Bobby said:
Sad when you think of it that way Wayne.

Its apt the you used Apocalypse in the title being a horseman yourself.
As the Apocalypse refers to the four horsemen who bring War, Famine, Pestilence, & death on coloured horses of white, red, black, pale.

The white horse is ridden by the antichrist , not sure who are on the others :confused:


And behold, I saw a pale horse & its riders name was death and hell surely followed him.
dubiousinfo said:
And behold, I saw a pale horse & its riders name was death and hell surely followed him.


Google sayeth:

2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

3 When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, Come!

4 Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.

5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, Come! I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand.

6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!

7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, Come!

8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
wayneL said:
I...actually, we were lecturing them about their use of CFC containing aerosols :rolleyes: The father said - "I don't care, I won't be around." This, right in front of the two children.
I must point out that, except for certain medical uses, aerosol cans haven't contained CFC's for quite some time. 1990 from memory.

The most common propellant now is hydrocarbons (effectively LPG) with nitrogen and carbon dioxide also used. Asthma sprays still contain nasties howver.
Smurf1976 said:
I must point out that, except for certain medical uses, aerosol cans haven't contained CFC's for quite some time. 1990 from memory.

The most common propellant now is hydrocarbons (effectively LPG) with nitrogen and carbon dioxide also used. Asthma sprays still contain nasties howver.

Yeah, this was in about 1986 :eek: The attitude prevails however. :mad:
Back to this Apocalypse stuff ` there is a talisman on earth that when found can call forth the four hoursemen & why not the Great Beast 666 of Revelation :cool:

Now it gets Scary~ as the super demon BEELZEBUB with his forty nine attendant demons can then be summoned up .

Its imperative that
those who have no protection, that have read the name of the super beast must immediately purify themselves !
How? repeat this word aloud four times TIHSLLUB .

Take care
In China, after witnessing last month pigs, black swans, and ducks wash ashore, we have a report that many fish are floating in the river dead today.

Above from Harvey Organ today.

Thought about a new thread just called pollution but thought I would dust this first and see what others think.

The Climate hysteria thingo is getting tired, we need to talk more now about what we are going to do about cleaning up our act on this fragile planet.
Its been an unbelievable couple of months here actually. The locals aren't eating much pork, chicken, duck, or pigeon its beef for me and fish for the wife!

We don't think we can take much more here, but we need another couple of years yet.

I guess we'll have to go out for a reality check soon....

The Climate hysteria thingo is getting tired, we need to talk more now about what we are going to do about cleaning up our act on this fragile planet

I think this planet is a lot less fragile than you and other greenies believe. Maybe this planet is just constantly changing and our importance and influence over it is grossly overstated.:2twocents