Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Criminal people smugglers encouraged to settle in Australia

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
I have been reticent to comment on boat people fleeing oppression to flee to Australia by boat from Asia, as I feel for the oppressed and feel they make good citizens and contribute in a generational way to the diversity of a great nation such as Australia.

I am appalled however by the continual dereliction of governance by the Labor Party of the migration of non residents to Australia.

The final insult to me tonight was to view the 4 Corners expose of comfortable middle class criminals, allowed in to Australia by an ALP Government.

It is disgusting.

It is not right.

Thousands of people are arriving in Australia, being given public housing and benefits, and many of them now, we are told, by the ABC, are criminals, organising more dangerous passage for vulnerable people..

It needs to stop.

Yeah, l saw it tonight.
And old mate king-pin decides to hole himself up in Canberra of all places...

Smugglers' Paradise - Australia, 4 Corners

The dreadful fact is that the ALP Laws on migration and the luvvie left Lawyers will ensure that these parasites will stay in Australia, on benefits, in public housing and continue their criminal enterprise.

No wonder so many of my Labor member mates, are leaving the Party.

The final insult to me tonight was to view the 4 Corners expose of comfortable middle class criminals, allowed in to Australia by an ALP Government.

It just goes to show that when someone takes ownership of something as a part of their job, they can accomplish so much in a short time.
I would not be surprised if there is a "second wind" to this, where 4 corners take the hand of the Federal Police and lead them to the lair's of these "grubs". Point to them and say "there they are"!!!:holysheep:

Makes you wonder what the appropriate organization to deal with this are doing!! ??
I have been reticent to comment on boat people fleeing oppression to flee to Australia by boat from Asia, as I feel for the oppressed and feel they make good citizens and contribute in a generational way to the diversity of a great nation such as Australia.

I am appalled however by the continual dereliction of governance by the Labor Party of the migration of non residents to Australia.

The final insult to me tonight was to view the 4 Corners expose of comfortable middle class criminals, allowed in to Australia by an ALP Government.

It is disgusting.

It is not right.

Thousands of people are arriving in Australia, being given public housing and benefits, and many of them now, we are told, by the ABC, are criminals, organising more dangerous passage for vulnerable people..

It needs to stop.


All I can say is:

Current Labor government => biggest joke ever played on Australia
They have been permitted to stay so we can spy on these grubby ciminals obviously - probably housed in Bugged homes with surveilance cameras while our overseas counterparts raid their crime partners from intel we gather.

They have been permitted to stay so we can spy on these grubby ciminals obviously - probably housed in Bugged homes with surveilance cameras while our overseas counterparts raid their crime partners from intel we gather.

Are you actually offering this as a serious response to the government's incompetence?
Australia takes 13000 refugees a year - illegal boat people make a small amount of this number and most of them are fleeing here for protection from intolerable situations.

Some are were made refugees because Johnny followed his Master Bush into Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan rendering people homeless or worse.

Maybe its yet another whinge fest ?

If you dont want foreigners here for whatever insecurities you harbour perhaps you need to petition your MP ?
It is the responsibility of the Federal Government to protect our borders and prosecute people smugglers.

Instead the ALP Government have been derelict in their duty, have allowed and processed the criminal smugglers as refugees, provided them with benefits and public housing, all within sight of our Federal Parliament in Canberra.

This lack of governance is more than an oversight, it is criminal.

It is moreover unfair to genuine refugees and poor mule Indonesian crew, who are being punished unfairly.

It is unbelievable that the ALP continue to hold power, in Federal Parliament in the light of this and all their other scandals, putsches, and wasteful programmes.

I prefer Justice. You prefer Tyranny ?
You consider it's 'justice' that the people smugglers and their passengers are admitted to Australia, taking priority over those who have applied to come here, offering all their documentation, through the legal channels and who are then left rotting in camps in Malaysia whilst our Dept of Immigration is kept occupied processing the boat arrivals.

Now it seems they cannot even do that competently.

What a peculiar world you occupy if that's justice.
You consider it's 'justice' that the people smugglers and their passengers are admitted to Australia, taking priority over those who have applied to come here, offering all their documentation, through the legal channels and who are then left rotting in camps in Malaysia whilst our Dept of Immigration is kept occupied processing the boat arrivals.

Now it seems they cannot even do that competently.

What a peculiar world you occupy if that's justice.

No Julia I dont believe I said that - nor do I believe that post was in reply to anything you said it was directed at Calliope.

I take it you prefer Johnnys Pacific solution - why is that ? The food better or something?
No Julia I dont believe I said that - nor do I believe that post was in reply to anything you said it was directed at Calliope.

I take it you prefer Johnnys Pacific solution - why is that ? The food better or something?

numbercruncher, I do not think you should trivialise the distress that refugees experience. They are people just like you or me, and deserve compassion and respect. It is not their fault that our Government is unable to process them for political reasons.

You are right of course GG!

I should not let certain posters irk me into blurting frivolous comments especially when they are little more than politically motivated postings.

Anyone who risks their life to come to Australia in a rickitty boat is obviously very desperate and doesnt have the luxury of filling out paperwork etc like Julias model " refugees "
You are right of course GG!

I should not let certain posters irk me into blurting frivolous comments especially when they are little more than politically motivated postings.

Anyone who risks their life to come to Australia in a rickitty boat is obviously very desperate and doesnt have the luxury of filling out paperwork etc like Julias model " refugees "

No worries mate, I think we are all irked, it is coming from all the irking in Canberra, I used call it going Troppo. I may call it going Canberra from now on.

We are all agreed that refugees are deserving. It's the bastards who rip them off and rip off our system I would like to see bending over for the soap of a shower in Long Bay of a sultry morning.

We are all agreed that refugees are deserving. It's the bastards who rip them off and rip off our system I would like to see bending over for the soap of a shower in Long Bay of a sultry morning.

Depends on your definition of refugee, doesn't it? The people smuggler who was the subject of the Four Corners program was defined by Immigration/ASIO as a refugee.

It seems that you're supporting those who can pay the people smugglers to get here but not those who cannot and who are therefore destined to be stuck in squalid camps in Malaysia et al.
No Julia I dont believe I said that - nor do I believe that post was in reply to anything you said it was directed at Calliope.

Well what exactly did you mean when you said you want justice? Justice for you would be to be stripped of your welfare payments and packed off to the Pilbara to work for Rinehart.
The question is what will this pretense of a government do about Captain Emad and his family whom are in Australia by deception and lies.

My guess is - absolutely nothing.