Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Importing Migrant Workers

Hastie engineering services now in administration - 2700 Engineering related positions threatened ..... Goodplace for Miners to start recruiting ... Or maybe its cheaper to get 457's and drop our guys on the dole ?
Wow - lots of discussion since I last looked...

I find the relocation point interesting, as someone who has moved for/with work every 5 or 6 years, including 12 yrs OS - & left the west 22 years ago. Lots of people with families don't want to move too far - a point Julia made early on. In Australia, that's generally out of the state. even to a far corner of the state is too much, FIFO is time away from the family & they don't want to do that. A fair proportion of ppl losing jobs are family ppl & just don't want to move. It's hard moving kids in late high school n some relationships wouldn't cope with the separation.

Been up North WA at various times of the year - last time was Jan this year. It's bloody hot n humid over summer. The southern states feel that low 30's is hot. It takes time to acclimatise n the mining companies won't/can't take that time.

The above points makes a lot of potential ppl unsuitable. But sometimes you just have to suck it up and shift.

Perhaps making benefits conditional in some way may shift some (e.g. won't move, then half benefit). Not sure how it could work without being manipulated.
Hastie engineering services now in administration - 2700 Engineering related positions threatened ..... Goodplace for Miners to start recruiting ... Or maybe its cheaper to get 457's and drop our guys on the dole ?

Cheaper for the employer to get the 457 from the right country. More expensive for the taxpayer to drop them on the dole.
Just found an article exposing this scam further - obviously this money Hungry Rinehart is just acting out a long standing plan ...

THERE is a little-known group called Australians for Northern Development and Economic Vision that advocates a special economic zone for northern Australia where businesses can freely bring in temporary workers for construction labour. Among its sponsors is Gina Rinehart, chairman of Hancock Prospecting.

With the first enterprise migration agreement being reached for Hancock Prospecting's Roy Hill iron ore project, the ''Queen of the Pilbara'' has arguably come closer to realising her aim of a special economic zone.

Read more:

Seems to me this woman is driven by sheer greed.
Then you have these scum like "Gina" who inherit their wealth, get lucky off a commodity bubble, do absolutely **** all for the country, and then offshore jobs.

And apparently unless you love them it's class warfare? Please

I believe in honest pay for honest work. If you do nothing your entire life but get fat and walk around in an ugly dress, off-shoring jobs and taking over media for your own personal propaganda while screwing over the country which gave you your wealth - well, I take issue with that.

The scum on this thread is coming to the surface. Obviously all you brave class warriors with a lynch mob mentality, would like to rid the country of people like Rinehart, who are driving the mining boom which is the only thing that keeps this country and your Labor Government afloat.

one must behave in an ethical manner

The Rinehart fan club that seems to have a few members here keeps repeating that she "cant" find locals to fill positions - do you have proof of this ?

I just linked an article about a jobs fair in Perth this weekend in which 14k people attended and team Rinehart didnt even have a careers tent at the event .... For someone who needs to import 1700 457s there is a surprising lack of adverts on her website or

Its a rort ...

I linked some numbers before, also the retention rate is a problem
The problem isn't local when it comes to shortages.
lobally the mining industry is faced with a shortage of
qualified talent to meet its production needs. Every
year there are more people leaving than entering this
sector to pursue job and career opportunities. Some of the key
reasons for this trend include the general image of the industry,
the declining numbers of graduates from mining related programs, and the draining of talent and knowledge as a result of
mining industry turn-over and retirement.
These trends and challenges have been widely discussed in
traditional mining countries such as Canada, the United States,
and Australia for well over 10 years. Depending on industry
growth estimates, the Canadian mining industry alone will have
to recruit between 27,000 and 70,000 employees over the next
10 years, due to retirement and voluntar y separation. From 2004
to 2014, the number of individuals employed in the mining industry is expected to decrease by 12.9%. During this same
time frame about 40% of Canadian mining employees expect to
retire. Mining companies are now beginning to acknowledge that
the current supply shortage is already impacting the productivity, efficiency and profitability of their operations. The shortage
of skilled workers in combination with high turn-over rates are
among the top factors impacting industry growth, either by stopping or delaying projects that would otherwise proceed, or by
significantly adding to the cost of new projects

Using estimation procedures from other industries, we calculated that the cost of
‘average’ employee turnover at an open-cut FIFO mine of 300 employees would be in
the order of $2.8 million.
Most interviewees agreed that a turnover rate above 20 per cent was detrimental to
their site’s productivity. Employee turnover at five of the sites in the study exceeded
this threshold. At several of these sites managers saw ongoing high turnover as
normal or largely due to factors beyond their control.

Study of workforce turnover

Bowens thinking on why he bought in 457
The biggest risk to some of our resources projects being completed in Australia is actually getting the necessary skills, the highly specialised skills in many cases, which go to the construction of large resources projects and, of course, that has flow-on effects throughout the construction sector to ensure that we have the right mix of skills ava stressed that the agreement is designed to bring workers in for temporary peak demand, not the long term.ilable,” Australian Minister of Immigration and Citizenship Chris Bowen said in a press conference on 3rd April, announcing the agreement.
Bowen, alongside Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research Minister Chris Evans,
While the government will continue to help train Australian workers, it wants to avoid training people who will then be left without jobs, Evans said.

Will add to this later.
You struggle to find Rinehart even advertising jobs, its clear she is a scam in pursuit of her Northern economic exclusion zone - next she will want the Pilbara annexed rename it the Republic of Rinehart and employ a private Army wearing dodgy Chinese shoes !!

You go to a professional/fair organisation like Rio Tintos Job Web and jobs are clearly advertised and available ....
I was under the impression the newspaper business world wide is fighting to stay alive yet she is buying in , is she doing this as revenge against the board or does she want control to push her own agenda...

The world's richest woman Gina Rinehart has increased her stake in Australian media group Fairfax, the company said Monday, as she lashed out at the chairman after being denied a board seat.
Rinehart, who has a fortune of Aus$29.17 billion (US$28.48 billion) according to an annual index by Business Review Weekly, increased her holding to more than 13 percent from the 12.8 percent she bought in February.
Her foray into the market -- she was already Fairfax's largest shareholder -- came just days after she was overlooked for a Fairfax board seat in favour of former Ernst & Young boss James Millar.
In a statement to Fairfax's Sydney Morning Herald, the iron ore billionaire questioned chairman Roger Corbett's abilities, saying he had presided over a huge loss in the market value of the newspaper, radio and digital media firm.
"Answers need to be given as to how the chairman will address this in the interests of all shareholders, rather than merely hoping for improvements in circulation, revenue and share price or perhaps trying to blame... industry conditions," she said.
Rinehart is understood to have requested two board seats at Fairfax after becoming its largest shareholder earlier this year.
Her initial move into the company prompted the government to flag stronger media ownership laws, with Communications Minister Stephen Conroy saying Rinehart, who has been critical of the government, wanted to exert her influence.
Current media ownership laws, designed to promote diversity of opinion and ownership, prevent anyone from acquiring more than 15 percent of Fairfax, whose shares gained 3.20 percent to close at Aus$0.645.
I was under the impression the newspaper business world wide is fighting to stay alive yet she is buying in , is she doing this as revenge against the board or does she want control to push her own agenda...

Fairfax is a basket case, she's welcome to it, perhaps she can get rid of all the bludgers in there.
I was under the impression the newspaper business world wide is fighting to stay alive yet she is buying in , is she doing this as revenge against the board or does she want control to push her own agenda...

She simply wants a propaganda vehicle to push her own ideology and opinions onto the rest of us.
So the Hastie group has gone itno liquidation!!!!

Great to the see unions scrambling over each other to get the company back on it's feet. Yeah,yeah and pigs might fly.

With 2700 now looking for jobs, I ask the question how many will be willing to go to the Pliburra or will they be more than happy to go on the dole?

Never mind, I guess that will mean more jobs for foreign workers. At least it will give the unions something to whinge about..
More bad news for the Rinehart haters.:D

The Queensland government has give approval for the go-ahead for the multi billion dollar Alpha Coal Project in the Galliee Basin.

With 2700 now looking for jobs, I ask the question how many will be willing to go to the Pliburra or will they be more than happy to go on the dole?

Your tone suggests you think these people who lost their jobs with no warning would be "Happy" to go on the dole ..... supporting families on 200 bucks a week - seriously .....

Seems Rineharts brainwashing via the media is playing on peoples brain already ...

Anyone notice the surge lately in Bludger related articles on News shows ? Seen two segments in the last week .... Awesome stuff convince the impressionable masses that Australia is full of dole bludgers to support the case to bring in Thousands of temporary low paid foreign workers to help her on her Quest to be the wealthiest person on earth ....

pretty scary ....

Everyone should earn and deserve everything they have. If they didn't, then they are bad people.

That's a pretty arbitrary accusation. If you fancy me a troll, I'd rather not discuss things with you.

I like Australia as a country, I bag the crappy governments which continue to ruin it. Do you think anyone ever wants to leave their country of residence? I would much rather Australia become a freedom, liberty, democracy and capitalism loving nation. A libertarian paradise. But that ain't happening anytime soon - is it?

Nobody is forcing her to hire people from overseas. If I was an Australian businessman, not to mention one of the richest people in the country, there's no way in hell I would ever offshore with 9% unemployment (Roy Morgan). It is simply immoral.

EMA is not the government paying business money or giving them any incentive to hire overseas workers - it is merely allowing them to do so. Still, I do not disagree that it is clear our government is utterly corrupt because there is no justification for said agreement.

I find it highly ludicrous how they claim that there aren't enough construction workers at a time when construction firms are going bankrupt due to lack of work.

You are a libertarian yet you want protectionism of jobs and curbs to skilled migration. Hmmmm, I don't think you get what libertarian-ism is mate.

Also, I like the way you judge people yet you don't know them and wish them ill health. A sure sign of insecurity.
"The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Enjoy your stay and enjoy your 457 :)

Im a permanent resident now, How long did you google to find that quote?
You are a libertarian yet you want protectionism of jobs and curbs to skilled migration. Hmmmm, I don't think you get what libertarian-ism is mate.

Also, I like the way you judge people yet you don't know them and wish them ill health. A sure sign of insecurity.

Starry's and NC's ideal version of class hatred disappeared with the Berlin Wall. Perhaps they should relocate to Cuba. No Rineharts there. Entrepreneurs get short shrift there.
How is it free and liberal? As Australians we have no freedoms - zero, nada. No bill of rights - nothing. This government even almost introduced Internet censorship. How crazy is that? We were a hair's width from living in an Iran. And what about Julian Assange? Sell him out as an Australian citizen because USA pissed in Darwin to mark their territory. Not to mention Australia has even broader terrorism definitions than USA. Pathetic.

There is no freedom and liberty here. And there's nothing capitalist about very high taxes and taking 35% of all tax revenue from the most productive members of society and giving it to the most unproductive and undesirable members of society to reproduce. Even in the Soviet Union that would not happen - they'd send the lazy bogans to gulags instead. Even a quasi-communist country is better than Australia.

And all this could easily be done with Australian labour.

If you are a politician, employed by the Australian people - powered by Australian taxpayers, how can it not be called corruption when you give companies the power to hire from overseas, the exact same workers who are presently losing their jobs in Australia? That doesn't keep unemployment down - it only increases it, and the tax collections would come either way.

Our politicians do not represent our best interests - they represent the interests of the rich. "Oh Ms. Rinehart, would you please publish positive things about ALP in Fairfax's newspapers so that I could get the PM salary again for 3 more years?". These people are filthy pigs, and taxpayers ought to be pissed off.

Kill unemployment benefits and people will be signing up by the tens of thousands. Either way, there's no way to prove that there's not enough people unless locals get a chance.

I don't invest, I trade. And I fail to see how investment decisions come into this.

You are a VERY confused individual. You are also a disgrace thinking that Australia is some sort of Proxy Iranian state. Have you been to the middle east? Have you lived and worked in any other part of the world? Australia is one of the freest, liberal and best countries to work and be successful in. I should know as a migrant. To state that a quasi communist state would be better then what we have now is horse manure. It is also disrespectful to the tens of thousands of people in the world fighting for their own freedom. See Syria and Egypt for example. You are so confused and blinkered there is almost no point arguing with you as you are the type of person that will just go round and round in contradictions.
Awesome stuff Jank - welcome to the team - lets hope they dont replace you with a lower paid 457 ! :D
As I work in IT the legal minimum someone on a 457 visa can be paid is about $67k a year. I earn a little bit over this but plan to move jobs soon.