Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Importing Migrant Workers

There are no road trains on mine sites other than fuel tankers, road trains in OZ transport cattle.

dont know what your talking about

here is a set of triple side tippers that run out of the mines...also used by atlas iron.

you wont be seeing any 457 workers doing this job.
Go to Rineharts royhill webpage where thousands of foreigners will get jobs ....

I cant see any jobs available ? maybe Australian ip addresses blocked when you search ? might have to be a resident of another lower paying country to access them ? :eek:

I think a fine system should be introduced - every foreign workers who takes a job and it can be proved that a Local was available and not employed - $ 1 mil fine per offence :D
The Bureau of Statistics says in the past financial year a net 6163 Australians have crossed the Nullarbor to live in Western Australia. That's a trickle of just 18 Australians per day - slap bang in the middle of the biggest mining boom in a century.

By contrast, a net 30,800 overseas migrants streamed into Western Australia - 84 per day. The new workers servicing Western Australia's mining boom overwhelmingly come from overseas, not because Australians cannot move to Western Australia (there are no legal restrictions on movement between states) but because they won't.

Read more:

Seems it's nothing new
More proof this is a scam to make fat cats fatter ....

ALMOST 14,000 jobseekers filed into the Australian Mines and Metals Association's jobs expo in Perth on Friday and Saturday. But the employer granted unprecedented access to foreign workers, under Australia's first Enterprise Migration Agreement, was not there to greet them.

But Programmed managing director Chris Sutherland, whose company has a major labour-hire arm, said the massive turnout was a clear sign "there are lots of people looking to get work in the resources industry
More proof this is a scam to make fat cats fatter ....

Could well be in which case the Gillard Govt has once again proven itself to be not only useless but destructive.

Rinehart only does what she's allowed to do under the law and in this case with the Govt's explicit assistance, the same Govt that drones on and on about helping working families........well not Australian working families obviously.
I cant see any jobs available ? maybe Australian ip addresses blocked when you search ? might have to be a resident of another lower paying country to access them ? :eek:

Well my son was at Ranger mine some years back in the electrical area.
He basically said that workers from down southern Australia were screened, and then employed.
70% of them lasted 2 to 3 days and left because they could not handle the heat.

His group comprised of 17 when he started. They got rid of the bludgers over 3 to 6 months, and then continued with about 8 guys prepared to work. Their productivity improved considerably in the small group. They completed all the work under budget time and price.

So all the bulls**t in the media about 14000 workers from south trying to get into the resource sector will be another trying time for the employment personnel.
Actually it sounds if Gillard wrote the "script".
No doubt all the big companies in WA and NT are aware of this.

My son is currently commissioning the Woodside project off Karratha. On this project
60 % of the personnel originally destined to commission, rejected the on site job and took up jobs in South Korea, etc, because they did not want to work FIFO.

There are always two sides to every story. Some people live in the world of reality, and others in some other world with the Government and the unions.
Hello Joea -

What you just wrote confused the crap out of me.

I think what you are saying is that we shouldnt give Australians jobs in Australia because a handful of your Sons Work colleagues didnt like working in a mine in the NT ?

And you dont believe there was 14000 people at this Job expo in Perth ? you think they were paid actors perhaps ?

Like you said some people live in the world of reality and others ....
Hello Joea -

What you just wrote confused the crap out of me.

I think what you are saying is that we shouldnt give Australians jobs in Australia because a handful of your Sons Work colleagues didnt like working in a mine in the NT ?

And you don't believe there was 14000 people at this Job expo in Perth ? you think they were paid actors perhaps ?

Like you said some people live in the world of reality and others ....

No I mean a big % of those 14,000 will not make it in the hot conditions of WA and NT.
My son and some guys who wanted to work, completed the work with half the numbers that were there.
I can ensure you that anybody who does not want to work, and/or cannot handle 40 degrees C, should not apply.
I am all for Australian workers getting the jobs, but they will be contracted to work, not talk.

Some where in the media today there is an article that Australian's waste 25% of their days work.
Those people will not last in mining jobs.
I have come back to edit! I must also say there not many Australians who will not work, if they are are managed correctly and treated fairly.i.e. pay and conditions etc.
What sort of work are you talking about, specifically.

Engineering, electrical, maintenance. Anything that is not sheer production.
In the hot conditions the workforce is supplied with electrolyte base drinking water.
Sqwincher is one product. This is required to keep them going. Basic water will not do the job. No doubt the personnel are given a period of time to adapt to the climate.

With production and control room workers you will find that they will keep the place going efficiently. Air conditioned areas such as trucks, tractors etc, it is easier, but these type of jobs are contested.
There "Is no such thing as a bad soldier, only bad Lieutenants".
If the IR people do their job, there should be minor problems only.
Engineering, electrical, maintenance. Anything that is not sheer production.
In the hot conditions the workforce is supplied with electrolyte base drinking water.
Sqwincher is one product. This is required to keep them going. Basic water will not do they job. No doubt the personnel are given a period of time to adapt to the climate.

With production and control room workers you will find that they will keep the place going efficiently. Air conditioned areas such as trucks, tractors etc, it is easier, but these type of jobs are contested.
There "Is no such thing as a bad soldier, only bad Lieutenants".
Ir the IR people do their job, there should be minor problems only.

And the imported workers will cope better ?
And the imported workers will cope better ?

Thats the bit I really dont get - Ive worked overseas a fair bit and found Aussies on average harder workers than others but seems Joea and others dissagree so Vehemently that they advocate the importation of Thousands of foreign workers ..... maybe once their own jobs get outsourced theyll see different ?
Thats the bit I really dont get - Ive worked overseas a fair bit and found Aussies on average harder workers than others but seems Joea and others dissagree so Vehemently that they advocate the importation of Thousands of foreign workers ..... maybe once their own jobs get outsourced theyll see different ?

Seems to be more about cheap outsourcing than genuine need then.

Anyone capable of the work who refuses should lose all their handouts, but thats too hard to determne for a Govt that cant get anything right.
I will put my money on less than 25% of the 14,000 will take up jobs FIFO in the mining sector.
Nowhere did I say Australian will not or cannot work. I said if they did not want to work, do not apply and do not waste other peoples time and money.
Over and out.
The other problem if they import o/seas workers is will they elope and then the feds need to spend $$$ finding them.
Stand corrected Tigerboi how far do R/trains travel seem inefficient to me.
Hand up here anyone who as actually been on a 457 visa? I dont think there has been anyone. As someone who has I can tell you that although there are many people out there who want to work, they want to work on their own terms. Do you think your average bogan out in Western Sydney will actually step up to the plate and work as FIFO on a 4/2 cycle? Also, your average person is not trained in these skills.
If you want to blame someone, blame the economic boom where everyone became a personal trainer, retail manager or real estate agent. I have no idea about training schemes here which can turn someone into a skilled mining engineer but that is where the problem lies, I think.
Anyway, they have to pay market rates anyway, I know I was. The mining execs cant wait 4-5 years until they have enough people with the right skills to complete a mining project. Something similar is happening now in Christchurch where there are thousands of foreign workers streaming into the city to start the rebuilding of the city. Kiwi media complaining of course that locals should be given preference for work but the is BS imo. Most unemployed kiwis or Aussies will not get themselves trained up for the job or have the right attitude. If Australia was in the middle of recession things would be different. Give it another 24 months, we will see a change then.
As of to day there are no jobs going for fitters or welders in Port Headland or Roy Hill Gina;s site.
A trade one would assume would be in demand at a construction site or for general maintenance.
Come here by boat and the unions love you. Come here to work and they scream bloody murder
Come here by boat and the unions love you. Come here to work and they scream bloody murder

No, Unions are anti-immigration as it creates labour competition. Labor governments have always had a lower immigration rate than Liberal governments for that reason.

For instance the White Australia policy was set up by Labour to kick out the Chinese labourers. It was the Liberal governments of Menzies and Holt that ended it.