Hi guys,
I'm 16 and have really grown and interest to the stockmarket and understanding the economy ( do economics and business studies at school) I currently just deposit all my money into a high interest bank account, around 5-6% and have about 6k all up in my account.
Is their any other ways to get the most out of my small amount of savings to set me up for the future? Should i just continue to deposit the money in my bank account or invest in long term shares etc? any other investments? i have heard about managed funds but not to sure about what that involves.
I am currently on stockwatch just testing out and getting use to the stock market, really enjoying it.At the moment i am just trying to learn as much as i can so when i am older i can have a large portfolio, planning to get into investment banking also. Any advice would be great.
I'm 16 and have really grown and interest to the stockmarket and understanding the economy ( do economics and business studies at school) I currently just deposit all my money into a high interest bank account, around 5-6% and have about 6k all up in my account.
Is their any other ways to get the most out of my small amount of savings to set me up for the future? Should i just continue to deposit the money in my bank account or invest in long term shares etc? any other investments? i have heard about managed funds but not to sure about what that involves.
I am currently on stockwatch just testing out and getting use to the stock market, really enjoying it.At the moment i am just trying to learn as much as i can so when i am older i can have a large portfolio, planning to get into investment banking also. Any advice would be great.