Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Ta tah


If you don't like going to the last page to view new posts, you can set it up so that newest posts are at the front of the thread.

Click on "Forum Actions" on the toolbar, click on "general settings" and scroll down the page to "Thread Display Mode" where you can select "Linear - Newest first".

The function is explained here:

Another stock market forum requires the use your own html code to format anything other than plain text. No ability to even quote something out of the last post. By comparison, ASF is way ahead...:D

Thanks, I wil use it.
I don't know of any forum software that does this. However, try using the MultiQuote button (Multi+) which will allow you select a number of posts to quote in your reply. They are automatically quoted in the order in which they are selected.
As mentioned above Simple Machines does, and also phpBB. There are others that I have used over the years, but I don't recall them at this point in time.

The problem with this kind of quoting is that if the user base does not edit their posts sufficiently you end up with clunky looking pyramid quotes that take up multiple screens (and of course the inevitable quote "wars"). Hard to explain, but think of someone initially quoting someone, then in the reply the other person also quotes the two previous posts. Repeat the process. It can go on to infinity and make a mess of quotes within quotes within quotes.

It's actually refreshing seeing a forum with only one layer of quotes as the default option.
...It's actually refreshing seeing a forum with only one layer of quotes as the default option.

I agree - and it's easy enough to scroll down the page (while in reply mode) and copy the relevant quote, paste it into the reply and use the quote button. It's not always necessary to re-quote, but for the occasional times it's useful, I find that method easy enough.
I agree - and it's easy enough to scroll down the page (while in reply mode) and copy the relevant quote, paste it into the reply and use the quote button. It's not always necessary to re-quote, but for the occasional times it's useful, I find that method easy enough.

I wonder what tothemax would think?

Ta tah
So I'm off.

I'm not assuming anyone cares, but I thought it best to sign off. I guess this is a growing up step, I'm not a teen anymore. I haven't been using this forum for my intended purpose, researching stocks, but debating endlessly about various topics just like I used to do on other forums. Really, there is no point. It used to help me compare my own beliefs with others, as a self-checking and correcting measure. But its rare now that anyone has anything new to teach me. Now I just get frustrated that everyone can disagree so thoroughly on every topic, and bewildered by the extreme and immovable beliefs some people hold. There is no convergence upon 'right answers' in the general public, like there is in science and technology. Its all noise, and nothing is going to progress anywhere. I figure then, anything I add is pointless and merely adds to the noise.

So given that this has become a sap upon my time, I have decided it best to bring it to a close. All in all this is a good forum, but I need to devote my time to other things from now on.
Cheers to Joe, and happy investing to all.
Oh dear. It would have been far better to go quietly; you would then be remembered with fondness by those who came to realise that you were gone.

But instead, here we have a case of LOOK A MOI! LOOK AT MOI! :rolleyes:
Oh dear. It would have been far better to go quietly; you would then be remembered with fondness by those who came to realise that you were gone.

But instead, here we have a case of LOOK A MOI! LOOK AT MOI! :rolleyes:

Have to agree. This thread seems to be an extension of the social media phenomenon where participants feel obliged to announce their every action to the world which is apparently supposed to be waiting in breathless anticipation.

Much prefer Wayne's "I'm Staying" thread. It, at least, shows some humour.
Don't be mean folks. To The Maxs exit speech touched on many feelings people have about their time in this forum. It reflected on the good elements and some of the not so good parts of conversations here.

In Joes shoes as well as members etc I think there are comments that are worth reflecting on when wanting to attract and hold diverse groups of people. And isn't that supposed to the idea of this website ?