Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Will the government blow up this week?

Krudd - $1 million on travel in 9 months as Foreign Minister.


Get that hair right Kevvie! Come on it's not quite right, just smooth it over a bit, flick it sideways, mmm yeh that's it. Ahhh PERFECT HAIR! ..... ok just one more little flick for good luck. God it's so hard to keep it perfect when the wind is blowing!
How much more can Labor's left take before it finally cracks ?

Left MPs are concerned the changes remove completely Australia's obligations under the 60-year-old UN convention on refugees.

They say the changes would remove legal protections and Australia's obligations to refugees.

The coalition is saying much the same thing.

Opposition frontbencher Greg Hunt says the government is planning to strip out the 1951 UN convention protections.

"This is a first for Australia," he told ABC Television today, challenging Prime Minister Julia Gillard to nominate another developed nation that had done the same.
Abbott's success in the polls is proof that the majority of Australians think that change in itself is a good thing. How else do you explain the popularity of a man and a party that has no policy, no big picture and ....... sorry....he does have a policy: no more great big new taxes!
Abbott's success in the polls is proof that the majority of Australians think that change in itself is a good thing. How else do you explain the popularity of a man and a party that has no policy, no big picture and ....... sorry....he does have a policy: no more great big new taxes!

He loves great big tax's

THE former treasurer Peter Costello has savaged Tony Abbott's paid parental leave policy as a ''silly'' idea that would reduce the global competitiveness of Australian business and which contravened the Liberal philosophy of low taxes.

Mr Costello, the nation's longest-serving treasurer, says the fact that the policy would be the most generous state scheme in the world after Sweden's ''should have set alarm bells ringing''.

Read more:
Not as much as Labor and the Greens.

Oh I think we will find out different once Abbott becomes PM and treasury point out the reality of government.

Abbott being the biggest political windsock in modern history wont hesitate to raise taxes.
Not as much as Labor and the Greens.

I hope you're stocking that political bunker well. It might be a long occupation.
Oh I think we will find out different once Abbott becomes PM and treasury point out the reality of government.

Abbott being the biggest political windsock in modern history wont hesitate to raise taxes.

Once the coalition are voted in with a land slide majority, I think you will find treasury will suck up to them just as they seem to be sucking up to the government now. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the supposed billion dollar holes weren't actually holes after all.

Anyone working close to government knows they have to please who ever is in government at the time otherwise the job might be on the line or a shift to elsewhere.

And, IFocus, you have made a very categorical statement about Abbott raising taxes - care to back it up. Unless you mean that Gillard plans to leave such an unholy mess that no incoming government is going to have a chance?

But then, that's surely not in the best interests of Australia? I sincerely hope Gillard puts this country before any of her own vindictive needs.
And, IFocus, you have made a very categorical statement about Abbott raising taxes - care to back it up.

Coalition claims of paying for their promises by cutting government jobs are at best hollow I haven read one commentator that found them credible none.

Current employed numbers are the same as the 90's with any increase actually being military.

For the record reforms come from treasury never from political parties they are all to busy fighting for government.

Abbott's continued success is based on not his intellect, policy outlook, clever politics, talented front bench but an incredibly politically incompetent Labor government.

His continued staged photo answer no questions stance confirms that he stands for nothing of consequence.
lol IFocus - Abbott's most challenging policy will be trying to put this country back to gether again.
Abbott's success in the polls is proof that the majority of Australians think that change in itself is a good thing. How else do you explain the popularity of a man and a party that has no policy, no big picture and ....... sorry....he does have a policy: no more great big new taxes!
The explanation is easy. It's not that the majority of Australians want change, Abbott or the Liberals.

Rather, it is that they do NOT want a continuation of this Labor government and are willing to give any viable alternative a go. If I formed a new party with a reasonably centre world view, credible candidates and a decent campaign budget then I've no doubt I'd gain a substantial vote at the next election.

In the real world, Tony Abbott and the Liberals are an established, well organised and viable alternative with which the Australian people are already familiar. Whether or not anyone agrees with their policies, few would doubt that they are at least capable of forming government and thus represent an alternative to Labor / Greens.

With so many wanting to get rid of Labor, it follows that they'll take a chance on Tony and his unannounced policies. Any port in a storm as they say.
The explanation is easy. It's not that the majority of Australians want change, Abbott or the Liberals.

Rather, it is that they do NOT want a continuation of this Labor government and are willing to give any viable alternative a go. If I formed a new party with a reasonably centre world view, credible candidates and a decent campaign budget then I've no doubt I'd gain a substantial vote at the next election.

In the real world, Tony Abbott and the Liberals are an established, well organised and viable alternative with which the Australian people are already familiar. Whether or not anyone agrees with their policies, few would doubt that they are at least capable of forming government and thus represent an alternative to Labor / Greens.

With so many wanting to get rid of Labor, it follows that they'll take a chance on Tony and his unannounced policies. Any port in a storm as they say.[/QUOTE

Well Smurph the acid test is about to begin for these idiots.
It is all well and good saying we fiscally managed us through the G.F.C.
Lets see what happens over the next 6 - 12 months. Read below
It is now that Swan would like to have a $20billion surplus. We are now entering the period where Government stimulus is going to be required. imo
The carbon tax and the N.B.N are about to become a cement collar around the Governments neck that will drown them. Unfortunatelly it will probably drown us with them.
It is now that Swan would like to have a $20billion surplus. We are now entering the period where Government stimulus is going to be required. imo
The carbon tax and the N.B.N are about to become a cement collar around the Governments neck that will drown them. Unfortunately it will probably drown us with them.
Interviewed on 7.30 last night Mr Swan did not rule out further stimulus.
Any reactions to such a proposal?
Any reactions to such a proposal?

During last year's election campaign, there was an anti-Labor video clip (youtube) of what Australia australia would be like in the future (2020 or something like that).

The video theme was one generation apologising to the next for electing labor in 2010. It included references to a carbon price, the commodities boom ending, Labor/Greens alliance, a $1tn debt as the government attempts in vein to stimulate a post-resources boom economy and power blackouts.

IIRC, It was posted on this forum during the 2010 election campaign. To me, it's worth seeing again if anyone else can remenber what I am talking about and what it was called.
If these idiots throw more money away and China goes pear shaped, we will look like Greece.
Swann needs to be wrapped in gaffa tape and put in a corner.
This Government will not only stuff up our future but our kids as well. imo
If a recession has to happen, it is better to reduce Government spending and have minimal Government debt.
It is stupid to increase that debt and then have a recession to reduce it.
But guess what this Government is silly enough to do that, give away more of your money for you to spend now and pay back later.
It is a bit like these payday loans, that they are trying to close down, how ironic.:D